Cho was the eldest of five brothers and four sisters. Because his father's sock and glove business went bankrupt, he could not afford high school or u


Cho was the eldest of five brothers and four sisters. Because his father’s sock and glove business went bankrupt, he could not afford high school or university tuition but today, his statements have become immortal. Have a taste compiled by E-life

  1. A lot of people walk by knowledge and NOT faith, faith comes by Rhema word.
  2. American preachers preach long and pray little, we preach the Word and pray long.
  3. As air is the breath of life, so prayer is the breath of faith.
  4. As I have shared before, getting up early every morning helps me to have the time necessary to pray. I normally get up by 5:00 A.M. I physically get out of bed.
  5. Before I do or say anything, I pray. This is the difference between acting and reacting.
  6. By the spoken word, we create our universe of circumstances.
  7. Christ hated fear, showing man that he was born to live by faith.
  8. Faith and doubt will always exist together. Believing is choosing faith over doubt.
  9. Feed this language of faith into your soul, visualizing God’s daily provisions. Then, like David, sing out that you are satisfied every day in the green pastures of your life.
  10. God allows us to go through certain tests so that our faith can grow stronger. Great faith is a result of severe testing.
  11. God has a tremendous need, and we minister to his need of fellowship.
  12. God has never chosen perfect people to accomplish His perfect will. This is obvious in His choice of Jacob and Kind David. This is also obvious in his choosing me.
  13. God has to deliver us from the fear of what others will think!
  14. God is not just a resource centre from which we can get everything we need, no matter how noble our motives. He is a living being who seeks our fellowship….yet, many view Christ simply as a grocery store to which they can bring their shopping list and have all the items on it filled in.
  15. God used this process of visualizing the situation to help Abraham…. By that visualization through the associated thought Abraham… could incubate his [future] children and dispel the doubts from his heart…. The main thing is that we should know the importance of visualization.
  16. God will never bring about any of His great works without coming through your own personal faith.
  17. God, I will always willfully choose faith and not fear no matter what situation I am in.
  18. I imagine that Abraham… when he looked up at the stars, all he could see were the faces of his children, and suddenly he felt that he was hearing them call to him, ‘Father Abraham!
  19. I pray, and I obey.
  20. If we pray without faith, we are simply making sounds in the air. They never get further than the ceiling.
  21. If you do not plan anything then that means that you are planning to fail.
  22. If you remove the prayer life of our church it would collapse.
  23. In Genesis the Spirit of the Lord was incubating, brooding over the water; He was like a hen sitting on her eggs, incubating them and hatching chickens.
  24. In that way, with the power of the Holy Spirit, we can incubate that which we want God to do for us.
  25. It is also important to realize that the devil occupies an evil fourth dimension. God, however, is holy unique and almighty. The fourth dimension is always creating, giving order and carrying out dominion over the third dimension.
  26. Jesus used the spoken word to change and create. The Holy Spirit needs your definite word, the spoken word of faith.
  27. Many young people are leaving other churches, feeling that the sermons and the programs are not relevant to them. They say, “We’ll come back when we’re sixty years old and the sermons are relevant to us. Then we can prepare for heaven because that’s all the ministers seem to be preaching about—getting ready for heaven. But we are living on earth now, and the message is unrelated to our lives.
  28. Prayer creates a personal change in your life. Nothing you can do will benefit you more than prayer.
  29. Prayer is a dialogue, not a monologue. To pray effectively, we must listen to God as well as speak.
  30. So men {Christians or occultists}, by exploring their spiritual sphere of the fourth dimension through the development of concentrated visions and dreams in their imagination, can brood over and incubate the third dimension, influencing and changing it. This is what the Holy Spirit taught me.The Holy Spirit said, ‘My son, man still does not realize the spiritual power that I have given him.
  31. The hour is not too late to begin a life of prayer.
  32. The law of God is like a mirror to keep us in check and look good before God and not to intimidate us.
  33. The man doesn’t make the vision; the vision makes the man.
  34. The only way to take control of your situation is through faith.
  35. Then God spoke to my heart, ‘Son… the spirit is the fourth dimension. …[as] the third dimension includes and controls the second dimension, so the fourth dimension includes and controls the third dimension, producing a creation of order and beauty.
  36. There are three spiritual forces on the earth. The Spirit of God, the spirit of man, and the spirit of Satan…. All three spirits are in the realm of the fourth dimension, so naturally, spirits can hover over the material third dimension and exercise creative powers.
  37. Through visualization and dreaming, you can incubate your future and hatch the results.
  38. Vision is the mother of faith.
  39. Vision is vision. But when you have a vision, you should pray until you have faith.
  40. We have taught our people how to… visualize success…. Through visualizing and dreaming, you can incubate your future and hatch the results.
  41. We must be serious about church growth if we are concerned about the future of the Church of Jesus Christ. Church growth is not just another fad. Jesus came to build a Church, and that Church has been asleep until now. It is waking up! Any church that wakes up is going to grow.
  42. We should always try to visualize the end result as we pray…. If you have not visualized clearly in your heart exactly what you hope for, it cannot become a reality to you.
  43. We’ve got to learn how… to visualize and dream the answer as being completed as we go to the Lord in prayer. We should always try to visualize the end result as we pray.
  44. When we pass through a valley dark as death we may neither see nor feel the presence of God. But we do not have to. David created the presence of God with his language of faith. He affirmed, ‘The Lord is with me.
  45. Without having a clear-cut goal, how can you hope? How do you have faith?
  46. You cannot accomplish great things without vision. You do not make the vision, the vision makes you. The Holy Spirit specializes in giving vision. Vision produces faith. Without vision, there is no faith.
  47. You could remove the powerful preaching from our church and it would still continue. You could remove the administration of pastoral care through the cell group system and the church would still continue. But if you remove the prayer life of our church it would collapse.
  48. You create the presence of Jesus with your mouth…. He is bound by your lips and by your words.
  49. You should have a burning desire for a goal, and you must keep on seeing that goal accomplished.