Archbishop Joseph Imariabe Ojo was born on April 18, 1949, and was until his conversion in 1972 an ardent and devoted member of the Roman Catholic Chu

Books by Prof. Kayode Adesogan
Books by Bukonla Akinwande

Archbishop Joseph Imariabe Ojo was born on April 18, 1949, and was until his conversion in 1972 an ardent and devoted member of the Roman Catholic Church having been baptized and confirmed.

He gave his life to Christ in 1972 during Archbishop Benson’s first crusade at Ogbe Stadium, Benin City. Ojo answered the call to full-time pastoral ministry in 1979. He proceeded to the USA first in 1983 and studied at the famous Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas.

He Pastored five branches in Benin City between 1979 and 1988 namely: Upper Mission Harvest Centre, Iguodela Branch, Erunmwunse branch, Miracle centre, headquarters of the mission and the famous Faith miracle centre.

Ojo has travelled extensively preaching the gospel of the kingdom within and outside Nigeria. The calling has taken him to the United Kingdom several times, USA, France, Holland, Switzerland, Spain, Senegal, Ivory Coast, South Africa etc. He holds a B. A in biblical studies from Logos Bible College, Tampa Florida, studied theology at ICI of Brussels, Belgium. A certificate in public administration from the University of Benin and a masters degree from West Africa theological seminary (WATS).

Archbishop Ojo has written many books amongst them are; Great Grace, Born to shine, Holy Ghost Raw Material, revelation knowledge, and vision keep you alive. He is a marriage counsellor and Bible expositor. He is the president of Able Ministers Association, President of the Calvary Institute of Leadership and Theological Studies (CILATS), the current National Secretary of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria Calvary Kingdom church Int’l.




The Grace of God made Available for the Race of Man

For every race that God has set before you, He has released the commensurate grace to run it.

Great challenges will attract great grace from the Lord Who is aware of our weaknesses and shortcomings.

It does not matter if you are a disadvantaged Ruth without the “Fruit” to show or a Joseph stuck in the horrible dungeon of life, the grace of God is all you need to change your story.






In the quest to find a solution to an acceptable manner a minister is expected to perform his numerous day to day services, the need to have a well-packaged manual that will guide him to know what to say, when to say it and where to say it arose.

Therefore, the Ministerial Hand Book deals on the forms, precedents and patterns in the performance of the minister’s numerous and varied services such as: Child Dedication, Baptism, Holy Communion, Wedding, Ground Breaking Ceremony, Laying Foundation for a Building, Dedicating a Building, Christian Wake keeping, Funeral, Ordination and Consecration.




This book is ready material for every leader who loves to draw from the experience of someone who has been in a leadership situation for over forty years.

It can be used for personal development and also as training material for ordained ministers and church workers.

It was written under a very heavy inspiration of the Holy Spirit and it will be a blessing to you, the reader.








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