Books by Rev. Gboyega Adejobi

Adegboyega Adejobi is the Presiding Pastor of Lifeline Bible Church in Lagos, Nigeria and has been in ministry for nearly twenty years now. He is a

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gboyegaAdegboyega Adejobi is the Presiding Pastor of Lifeline Bible Church in Lagos, Nigeria and has been in ministry for nearly twenty years now.

He is a graduate of the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University), Ile-Ife, Nigeria; a prolific preacher and teacher of the word of God who preaches righteousness and integrity in all matters of life and is fully committed to the discipleship process and training of Christian workers.

He is happily married to Monininuola who is also an ordained preacher and teacher. Together they minister in several Christian Conferences and Church programmes around the world.





This book is written with the motive of restoring hope to the reader at those moments of discouragement when he feels God is far away whether as a result of sin, failure, disaster, bereavement or even for reasons unknown. At such times, when you feel out of alignment and tune with
God and you’re stranded like a fish out of water on the beach of life; may it help bring you back in line and tune with God. May this book help restore you to the warm fellowship of His Holy Spirit again!
If you are presently down in the dark pit of pain, discouragement or grief, don’t despair. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter and can do what mortal men cannot do. May the long, mighty but gentle hands of God reach you to
lift you up as you read this book. May you receive comfort as you hear His voice! May your strength be renewed and hope restored in Jesus name. Amen!




This book is written in a concise manner to illustrate the Gospel in as many ways as possible in order to simplify its truth and make it appealing to the mind. Bible and true-life stories (with true identities mostly concealed) are used to bring out the truth of the Gospel. It is commended to you in the power of the Holy Spirit trusting that amidst its fifty-two illustrations, you will find one or more that will help you appreciate the Gospel message and respond to it appropriately.

And, if you already believed, this book will strengthen your faith, and what you already know about the Lord and His coming kingdom so that you’ll keep yourself consecrated, pure and undefiled while awaiting His return. It will also serve as an indispensable tool for evangelism and spur you to pass on the message to others.



The theme of the book: SEARCH FOR THE RIGHTEOUS is a very important one, and addresses a dire need of the Church in our time, particularly in Nigeria. If the message is widely read and assimilated, it could be an instrument of great deliverance to many who are currently bound by the lust for filthy lucre and the mirage of a transient life of sin both within and outside the Church.

The book is rich in the scriptural foundation of the issue it addresses and the contemporary life experiences cited should register deeply in a reader. It speaks adequately to and reassures the Christians who have made .up their mind to pay the price for righteousness. But for the not so serious Christians or those that may want to persist in sin, their waning desire to follow the LORD may affect their appreciation of the book and scriptural references cited therein.



This book is an exposition on the story of the Good Samaritan the Lord Jesus Christ the Gospel of Luke Chapter Ten. A challenge confronts us today: too many Christians in congregations and many more in the
larger society are lonely in the crowds – for lack of confidants and those who genuinely could give helping hands. Why is this so? This is a question this book seeks to answer and a social problem it tries to proffer solution. It is
not only a Samaritan that can be good; all of us can.




To buy this book, please contact the author on
Rev. Gboyega Adejobi,
Lifeline Bible Church, Iju Road, Agege Lagos Nigeria.
Phone: 234-80231540800

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