There is a tremendous confusion, sense of doubt and cynicism in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria over the news of Jesus of Nazareth being raised from

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There is a tremendous confusion, sense of doubt and cynicism in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria over the news of Jesus of Nazareth being raised from the dead.

Jerusalemites wonder how possible is it for a body in advanced stage of decomposition to rise up again, a saga that has never happened in this part of the world. The feelings in the synagogue and amongst generality of people in Jerusalem, Judea, Bethlehem and even Nazareth his birth place is that the body of Jesus of Nazareth was stolen by His disciples in their grand deception of resurrection.

The DPO of Bethlehem Police Station and the General Officer Commanding 1st Mechanised Division of Israeli Army in Judea have placed their men on red alert over the disappearance of the body of Jesus. Every vehicle must be searched. Any driver that refused to be searched should be shot dead. No be small thing.

Speaking to newsmen after the meeting of the Sahendrin in the Synagogue yesterday, the Chief Priest, Rabbi Moshe Mordechai said “We cannot tolerate the menace of Jesus of Nazareth any longer. He said He would destroy our temple, the people should not pay tax again. He beats people selling their wares in the temple. He possesses power like magicians, healing the sick, raising the dead, forgiving people like God. He said He is greater than our fathers Moses, David, and our prophets, Isaiah, Daniel, Haggai. He must be killed. Whoever has taken his body must be found, prosecuted and killed.”

In his response to the rumour of Jesus resurrection, a Pharisee, Rabbi Gamaliel of the Judean Synagogue, said special laws would be presented to Pontius Pilate, the Roman administrator of Israel this week to arrest all the disciples of Jesus who seek to bring a new order to the world. Rabbi Gamaliel and his protege, a lawyer called Saul are currently fine tuning the laws which will establish execution by stoning to death anybody that preaches the resurrection of Jesus.

However, the eleven disciples of Jesus insisted that Jesus has risen. Speaking to our reporter, Bola Adewara at the Upperoom, the leader of the disciples, a fisher man turned Jesus revolutionary, Mr. Simon Peter Bar-Jona said “Jesus appeared five times yesterday Sunday to different set of people. He appeared to Mary Magdalene, then other women when leaving the sepulchre and to two disciples on their way to the village of Emmaus. He added that Jesus did appear to him (Peter) privately, after which He appeared to all the eleven disciples in their house at Bethany where He even ate with them.

Corroborating the claims of Peter, Mary Magdalene, the woman who first saw Jesus said “it is heart-warming for me, a woman to be the first to see the risen Jesus. While the men were sleeping and afraid, we women dared the Chief Priests and rulers who crucified him, and went to the Sepulchre where we found Him risen.”

Johanna, one of the women who saw Jesus at the sepulchre said “we saw the marks on His hands. It is immaterial if the synagogue people believe it or not. No prophet is like Jesus. The rest died and their bones interned with them. Jesus died and rose and claimed victory over death. He is the hope of our glory.”

In a swift response to the press conference by the disciples, the Inspector General of Israeli Police said anybody caught holding illegal press conferences over a resurrected Jesus would be dealt with.
Watch out for updates on the unfolding story.
Reports by Bola Adewara
Aproko News Agency in Jerusalem.