Deji Adekusibe is a dynamic drama and movie producer, director, playwright, teacher of the Word and author of books.  An executive

Travelogue: I Saw God In The Forest Of Ulesha ~ By Bola Adewara
Deji Adekusibe is a dynamic drama and movie producer, director, playwright, teacher of the Word and author of books.  An executive film producer and chief executive officer at The Peacemakers FILM Productions.  Graduate of Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, he has produced many momentous Christian films that can stand their own anywhere in the world. In this interview with Editor Elife Magazine, Adekusibe takes a look at the Christian film Industry in Nigeria and the world over, lessons they can learn from Nollywood, the church in Nigeria and myriads of other issues. 

Do you ever imagine you would end up a minister of the gospel? Tell me, how did your Christian journey start?

I never thought I would ever become a minister of the Gospel, though my father is a minister of God. I was born into a Christian family, and my belief was that I was a child of God. I went through the baptismal class and had a water baptism at 10. I was very severe and zealous with service in our village church then. I came to Lagos in September 1984.

I crisscrossed many churches before I eventually joined Christ Apostolic Church, where I became an Usher, even without being saved – ushering people into the kingdom I wasn’t going! The turning point came in a dramatic way sometime in 1992. I boarded a Molue bus and someone stood up and preached powerfully. He distributed tract to everyone in the bus. The tract is titled; ONLY ONE LIFE.

I read the tract three times in the bus and then put it in my pocket before I alighted from the bus. There are some striking statements in the tract that kept me thinking throughout that day. In the middle of the night, when I couldn’t sleep, I picked up the tract again, read and prayed the sinner’s prayer at the back. From then, the kind of peace I’ve never enjoyed flooded my heart.

I still remember vividly my encounter with the Lord that night. That encounter culminated in my making an open salvation confession by surrendering to the Lord in the church during revival the following day. Surprisingly, my Pastor’s message that day was based on Hebrews 9:27 – the Bible basis for the tract.

My legs were shaking where I stood that day as an Usher, and when the altar call for salvation was made I was the first to come out. My Pastor was surprised, he was speechless for some minutes before he prayed for me and others.

How did you come into drama? Why drama as a ministry? What is the power of drama? Who or what inspired you?

It wasn’t long after my salvation experience that I began to sense the call of God; though I didn’t quite understand it then. But towards the end of 1994, I began to have series of visions and revelations. I shared them with my Pastor and he confirmed that God wanted to use me as a vessel in the ministry.
After series of prayers and fasting, I got confirmation and personal conviction of my calling into the Drama Ministry. I can say boldly that it was the outright Calling and Vision that led me into the Drama Ministry and I was convinced beyond any reasonable doubt. I threw in the towel and joined an Independent Drama Ministry – (The Whole Truth Faith Ministries) led by Rev. Ayo-Jesu Kosemani on 5th of January, 1995 on full-time ministerial operations.
I served in the ministry for 4 years before the Lord led me to start The PEACEMAKERS OUTREACH MINISTRY INT’L in December 1998. The power in drama is indescribable. It is highly magnetic. Drama has a magnetic force that draws people to wherever it is being staged or shown.

Action speaks louder than words but when action and words are combined in drama, they speak LOUDEST! What people see register more in their memory than what they hear. My number one source of inspiration is the HOLY SPIRIT.

When you started, what were the challenges then? Did people take you seriously? What were your platforms of ezpressions? What were the things God told you and things you set out to achieve?

My major challenge when I started was that of acceptance. Many people then did not believe that God can call anyone into the Ministry of Drama. In fact, many of my friends, Pastors, church members and even family members misunderstood me and thought I was crazy or unserious.

Persecutions rose here and there against me but I stood my ground because I was sure of the vision and convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that the Drama Ministry is my area of calling.

I attended The Mount Zion Institute of Christian Drama, Ile-Ife, Osun State in July 1995 and graduated on the 5th August 1995 during the 10th Anniversary of The Mount Zion Faith Ministries Int’l.

My medium of expression are: Stage Drama (Live ministrations in churches and fellowships), Film Productions, Film Shows Outreaches, Teaching and Training, Book publications etc. God told me He would take me and the ministry round the whole world, provided we follow Him patiently, diligently and obediently.

Deji Adekusibe, The Peacemakers FILM Productions.

Deji Adekusibe, The Peacemakers FILM Productions.

Does this ministry pay your bills? Does this put food on the table? Have you ever been discouraged in doing this?

Yes, to God be the glory. The ministry pays my bills and put food on my table by the special grace of God. God has been faithful and will continue to be faithful.

There are times discouragement and discouraging situations will come but I always encourage myself in the Lord as I always look at those who have gone ahead of me in the ministry, like my father and mentor, Evang. Mike Bamiloye and all the fathers and mothers in Mount Zion Faith Ministries, that God who has been sustaining them will also sustain me and my members.

How can you compare what you are doing with Nollywood? Do you see what you are doing as an extension of Hollywood? Do you draw any lessons from Hollywood, may be marketing, technicals, costumes, acting, directing, etc.?

The Drama Ministry cannot be compared with Nollywood. Drama Ministry preaches the Gospel to win souls and revive souls while Nollywood entertains and sometimes teaches morals. There are lessons we learned from Hollywood especially, technicalities, directing, acting, set and production designs etc.

Of what help has the Church been to your ministry? Many gospel musicians complain that churches or pastors don’t compensate them adequately when they minister. How has been your experiences?

I thank God for those wonderful Ministers of God who have opened the doors of their churches for us and allowed us to be of blessing to their congregations. To me, this is a great help.
The kind of training I received and understanding of the dealings of God with me will never make me complain whether the church or pastor give us honorarium or not. I believe strongly that God is the one that pays the wages of His ministers.

My experience in this area of compensation or honorarium has been both positive and negative, but in everything, God is faithfully faithful.

Are you happy with what you see of churches and pastors today? The noise about tithe, prosperity, ostentatious lifestyle, etc. Are you also affected by this?

I’m not totally happy with what I see of churches and pastors today because there are lots of infiltration into the fold with lots of ungodly practices.

Though it’s not a surprise because our Lord Jesus Christ prophesied it and Apostle Paul also warned about this in 1 Timothy 4:1-3 and 2 Timothy 3:1-7.

Are you happy with what you see of churches and pastors today? The noise about tithe, prosperity, ostentatious lifestyle, etc. Are you also affected by this?

I’m not totally happy with what I see of churches and pastors today because there are lots of infiltration into the fold with lots of ungodly practices.

Though it’s not a surprise because our Lord Jesus Christ prophesied it and Apostle Paul also warned about this in 1 Timothy 4:1-3 and 2 Timothy 3:1-7.

How can Christians partner with your kind of ministry? We see churches and pastors like TD Jakes producing gospel films. What message have you on this for the African/Nigerian pastors and Churches?

Churches and Christians can partner with our kind of ministry through Productions of Gospel Movie and support our missionary efforts of raising more Drama army for the Lord. This will earn them both earthly and heavenly rewards.

Hummmnn… Well, I’m not a Pastor, I don’t pastor a church, I’m an Evangelist running itinerant evangelistic ministry. On the issue of having churches here and there without commensurate spirituality, I think the motive of starting many churches today is suspect.

Not many of those starting churches today actually received the call of God. Churches are being established today based on wrong motives of Making money, Lack of concrete and concise vision, Business venture, Eloquence and oratory power, Retirement package, Lack of secular employment etc. Many Pastors need to go back to God in repentance.

Tell me about the Nigerian youth and the nascent culture of sagging, hairstyles, nose-rings, earrings, mini or macro skirts, exposure of breasts, nakedness, etc. Are these youth serious? Are they capable of directing the future of Nigeria, more particularly, the Church?

The nascent culture of sagging, terrible hairstyles, nose-rings, earrings, mini or macro skirts, exposure of breasts, nakedness, etc. are all subtle ways Satan is using to harvest the souls of the Youth of today.

This became possible as a result of indiscipline and stubbornness of today’s youth and lack of proper training and upbringing by the parents. There’s need for serious prayers and warfare to rescue them from the grip of Satan so they can be useful for themselves, family, Church and the Nation.

In addition, Parents and Leaders of today should live Godly and examplary life worthy of emulation.