e-life Edition 2

  Five ways to invite friends to church without being too pushy . 10 Strong reasons under which you can leave your Church . How pastor

e-life Edition 8
E-LIFE SERIES 12: GOD AND MAMMON – The value of money in the hands of Christians
e-life Edition 5


Five ways to invite friends to church without being too pushy
10 Strong reasons under which you can leave your Church
How pastors should handle politicians
Pastor Explain This with Lanre Adenekan
The Christian in Muhammad Ali
July Prayer Points with A. T. Williams
How God saved me from sleeplessness
Bible Games
Relationship: How I killed my wife inadvertently
Relationship: Husbands, give your wives pocket money
Father’s Day: are these fathers or sperm donors?
* Nigerian Women rate fathers below expectations
* Types of Spiritual Fathers by Akin John
* Felix Ohiwerei speaks on what his father told him
Columnists :
Taiwo Odukoya : Bola Akin John : Gary Maxey : Soul Aniebue : Ladi Thompson

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E-life… interpreting the living Word to the dying world

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