GOD OF GLORY CHRISTIAN CHURCH God of Glory Christian Church, also known as The City of His Presence had a humble beginning in 1996. Today, the church

TRUTH NUGGETS ABOUT YOUR PASTOR: These might help you in relating with your Pastor or Pastors generally

God of Glory Christian Church, also known as The City of His Presence had a humble beginning in 1996. Today, the church has grown into a sanctified ultra-modern two-wing auditorium.
Since 1996, the Church witnessed the providence of God. Dumbfounggcc2ding is the growth of the church that it is generally agreed that such feat is only possible through covenant and anointing of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Strategically placed at this end-time to preach the post-edenic ministries of our Lord Jesus, the Church has a vibrant branch at Ibadan, Oyo state currently working towards the completion of an ultra­modern edifice to assuage the thirst for worshiping God in a conducive ambiance.
Since 1996, members from both within and outside the country had witnessed immeasurable miracles and encounters with God. Diseases have disappeared, homes restored, promotion gotten, lives touched and destinies changed. Apart from the engrafted word and fervent prayer said in the church, The City of His Presence has been militant in praise ministration. Congregants must have lost count of praise programme and the gospel musicians who have found a home in the church.
Dedicated by Prophet S. K. Abiara of CAC. Agbala Itura Worldwide on 7th January, 1996, the Church is moving with time, using timely technology to preach the timeless truth.
“It is a miracle.” Pastor A. T. Williams said at the Church dedication. “We were able to build the church without launching an appeal fund or taxing the church members. Voluntarily and willingly, people came in and gave”.
As the Pastor gazes on God for greater height, those who have sensed and tapped into the anointing on the man of God have incessantly prophesied that the buildings and the present location of the church will be too small for the explosion it will witness shortly. The various programmes of the church propped by the militant departments and commitments of the pastorate have assisted so many people to surmount the challenges of life, to grow and develop.
Great testimonies have been rolling in within the short time God established His church. It is instructive to reemphasize the word of the man of God that “God will not raise up His church for the devil to bring it down. He would not be the Alpha without being the Omega. God will not start what He cannot finish. Whatever He has started, He will complete”.
Deployed to propagate God’s plan for man are various church activities and programmes. These have blessed homes, reordered lives and shaped destinies.
Our programmes include the Weekly Sunday service, Wednesday Midweek Service and Friday Prayer sessions. The early Monday morning One-hour-with-God seeks to put you in good tempo for the week, while the monthly Breakthrough Night is a yoke breaking period which comes up from early midnight to the wee-hours of the morning.
Deployed to build the spiritual being of members are programmes like the Businessmen Fellowship, a regular prayer session for the business Class and Pastor’s Praise Night which is one of the biggest gospel music ministrations in the country.


Pastor A.T. Williams was born of humble parentage in a God fearing home. Early in life, he had his primary and secondary education in Oyo State where he excelled in his studies. While in school, he showed a determination to study at the highest level due to his diligence thus he made spirited moves to actualize his ambition by securing admission into the tertiary institution. In spite of the financial constraints occasioned by the unfortunate demise of his loving mother at a tender age. The loss of his mother early in life turned out to be part of God’s grand design to use Pastor A. T. Williams for the work of the ministry early in life.
During the course of his academic pursuit, he lived in a foster home. Like every young man, he had ambition to travel abroad for further studies. This apparently was not the design of the Almighty in His ordering of Pastor William’s life even when men who caught the revelation of God’s anointing in his young life offered to assist in his bid to travel abroad. Pastor William’s sought first the kingdom of God and all he wanted to gain by traveling abroad were abundantly given to him.
In the early part of his life, he had the privilege of knowing that praising God always open the doors of his blessings and facilitates breakthrough, Impossibility is a word you can never find in the dictionary of Pastor Williams, a man given to constant fasting and all day long prayers. The wisdom of God has overtly displayed in his handling of matters and the spirit of excellence are all attributes the Almighty has deposited in Pastor’s life to equip him to take on the kingdom of darkness.
God in His grace has rewarded Pastor A. T. Williams, an Apostle of breakthrough with immense blessings of authority in the word, prayer, healing signs and wonders which have resulted in immeasurable breakthroughs in the lives of people who God has used him to touch both home and abroad, accompanied by testimonies.
He is happily married to Omowumi.

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Monday. One hour with God 6am – 7am
Wednesday Feast of Miracles 11am – 1pm
Sunday Breakthrough Service .8 – 10:30am
1st Sunday Miracle of the Praise Altar 8am – 11am
Last Fridays Breakthrough Night 10pm – 4am
2nd Fridays Royal Women Night
3rd Fridays Glory Star Night 12:00 – 2am
3rd Fridays Royal Men Evening 6pm – 8pm
(Specific dates
would be announced)
Upper Room Sunday
Holy Communion Service
Anointing Service
Val on Red Carpet February Glory Star Convention August
Mothers’ Day March Afro-Cultural Sunday August
Palm Sunday March/April Inter Fellowship Competition September
Good Friday March/April Royal Women’s Convention September
Easter Sunday March/April Royal Men’s Convention October
Children’s Week May Family Thanksgiving December
Pentecost Day May Feet Washing Service December
Jersey Night June Pastors Praise Night December
Old School Sunday June Christmas Carol December
Fathers’ Day .June Cross Over Night December 31st

God of Glory Christian Church, 11-15, Breakthrough Avenue,
Off CMD Road, Ikosi Ketu, Lagos Nigeria.

Phone Numbers:
234-8033067953, 234-8027199152, 234-8072835112, 234-8030787663