Mr. Judas Iscariot, one of the 12 disciples of Jesus of Nazareth is dead. His body was found some hours ago at the Potters field, his belly rippe

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Mr. Judas Iscariot, one of the 12 disciples of Jesus of Nazareth is dead. His body was found some hours ago at the Potters field, his belly ripped open and all the undigested Isi Ewu he ate last night after he received an alert, poured out on the field.

According to Bola Adewara, Aproko News Correspondent in Jerusalem, eye witness accounts said Judas went to hang himself after he was sighted in the synagogue where he went to dump the money he cashed from an ATM after he got an alert.

Iscariot had betrayed his master and mentor of three years, Jesus of Nazareth, by leading some Roman soldiers and priests to where Jesus and His disciples were and was arrested without warrant of arrest.

An eye witness said two miracles happened during the arrest of Jesus of Nazareth. When one of the Roman soldiers asked Him if he was the Christ, immediately He said “i am He”, all the soldiers, with their guns and swords fell yakata backwards at the power emitted by an ordinary statement, “I am He”!

The second miracle, according the eye witness, happened when one of Jesus disciples drew a dagger and cut off the left ear lobe of one of the soldiers. Jesus immediately warned the disciple not to defend Him for He could call legions of angels to defend himself. But if he did that, how would His purpose on earth be fulfilled. Jesus was said to have picked the ear lobe from the ground and put it back to the head of the victim who was already in blood, and it stayed. Immediately, all the blood on his body disappeared and it was like nothing happened to him. Two miracles at the arrest of an innocent Man!

Jesus was however crucified yesterday afternoon by the same Roman soldiers after He was tried and Pilate said he found him innocent. Aproko News Agency correspondent, Bola Adewara who was at the trial said human nature of “Hosanna today, crucify him tomorrow” came to play at the trial. Shortly after the pronouncement of Pilate that Jesus was innocent of all the charges, the people of Jerusalem, who, some few days ago shouted Hosanna to Jesus on His entry to Jerusalem on a tear-rubber donkey, changed mouth and insisted Jesus must be killed through crucifixion, a most inhuman model of killing perfected by the Romans.

A notorious armed robber called Barabas was set free in exchange for Jesus and the Jerusalem people insisted Jesus blood be upon them. Immediately, Jesus was led away as He was seriously beaten with horse whips by the brutal Romans soldiers. A crown of thorns was made and placed on His head as they mocked Him the King of the Jews, blood gushing out of his head. One soldier slapped Jesus, challenging Him to a fight if He was truly the son of God.

The suffering of this innocent man was unbearable that even our correspondent, Bola Adewara began to weep along with John the beloved, Mary, Jesus mother and other close disciples who couldn’t abandon their master but could do nothing to save Him, that the scriptures might be fulfilled.

When news got to Judas at his drinking joint that Jesus was declared innocent, he was infuriated. He was chased by demons who had possess him into the synagogue where he flung the money he dispensed at the ATM to the priests and left in a hurry, not disclosing his destination to anyone.

Early this morning, women going to fetch water at Jacob’s well, passing through Potters field said they saw a body, later identified as Judas Iscariot, dangling on a tree. Before they got there, the rope snapped and the body fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out, pouring out the Isi Ewu he was seen eating with the priests at a joint when Jesus was being crucified.

Speaking to Bola Adewara of Aproko News Agency after his body was found, the chief priest who credited Judas’ account on Thursday said “Judas actually came to the synagogue and flung the money he got at us. Though we picked up the money, but it is against our law to put this into the treasury, since it is blood money, so we decided to use the money to buy the potter’s field as a burial place for foreigners. We shall call the place the Field of Blood or Akeldama in our language.”

The body of Jesus of Nazareth was buried by one Joseph Aramathea at a specially made tomb. The Romans soldiers invaded the place and placed a big stone on the tomb and rolled another big stone at the gate, to stop likely thieves from stealing the body and claim Jesus rose. Some soldiers were also seen around the tomb guarding it till the body decomposes.

It would be recalled that Jesus of Nazareth had said He would rise up again on the third day. Aproko News is also around the tomb to see if Jesus would make good His promise on the third day.

Watch out for an update tomorrow. Would Jesus rise or not? Would He demolish and rebuild the temple of Solomon in three days? Keep a date tomorrow.
By Bola Adewara
Aproko News Agency.