MY LIFE, MY EXPERIENCE, MY MOVIE, MY FATHER, DR. I SHOW PEPPER – Daughter speaks as she enters film industry.

MY LIFE, MY EXPERIENCE, MY MOVIE, MY FATHER, DR. I SHOW PEPPER – Daughter speaks as she enters film industry.

MY LIFE, MY EXPERIENCE, MY MOVIE, MY FATHER, DR. I SHOW PEPPER - Ishola Ogunsola’s film-maker daughter speaks as she enters the Nigerian film industr


– Ishola Ogunsola’s film-maker daughter speaks as she enters the Nigerian film industry.

ishowBola Akande, second daughter of Ishola Ogunsola better known as Dr. I Show Pepper is set to hit the film industry with a gospel movie titled Caged. In this interview with Bola Adewara from her base in the UK, Bola explained who I Show Pepper was, the theme and inspiration behind the film, the Nigerian film industry and many more. Enjoy this interview please.


You are one of the children of the late Nigerian theatre icon, Ishola Ogunsola. How much of your father is still in you?
My father was a truly great man, a multi talented performer, people that were with him in the trade during his time knew him. Late Dr Hubert Ogunde called him “ a Complete Theatre Practitioner”. A Documentary film is coming up with that title about Dr Isho Pepper, so watch out. I do not want to say how much of him that is in me…The Yoruba adage that says ‘Bi omo koba jo sokoto, yio jo kijipa’ meaning if a child does not resemble the father, he/she will resemble the mother. For me it is both of them that were gifted. My father was great as a performer and my mother was talented. Now, I found out that my personality as a Christian filmmaker is not about them, I deliberately did not put my father’s name with my name simply because I want to be known for me. The Lord endows me for His own glory; there is no doubt that He has imputed in me all that I need to succeed on the assignment placed before me. But If I will tell you one similarity that I think I shared with my father it will be my ability to write creatively but mine is inspired of the Holy Spirit not only by the gift, that is the difference. And from my mother I think I am good at depicting character roles…so I am saying I am a good actress.

Did you participate in his theater company when he was alive? What was life like as the daughter of a travelling theatre artiste?
Oh my God! It was awesome being a daughter of Dr I show pepper. My father had many wives so, we were many in my house when we were growing up but it was always fun. By the help of God he was able to hold his family together. Whenever we were on holiday we travelled with them. From my secondary school days, I started singing and dancing with him on the opening glee. It was energetic and very enjoyable too. I have acted with him on different occasions on stage plays. But I took the role of a judge in my first year in University in a film titled ‘Ogun laye’. Yes, life as Isho’s daughter was fun, you are of course popular amongst your friends and yes it was fun.


How did you come into film making?
As I mentioned above I graduated with a BSc Microbiology from Ogun State University and worked with Federal department of Agriculture’s branch called Crop Storage Unit in Ibadan for some years but in 2003, I believe God was calling me into evangelistic Ministry at first I wasn’t sure which one or how to start but in 2004, I was invited to play a prominent supporting role in one of Mount Zion Faith Ministry’s production titled Haunting Shadows. It was after I took part in that production that it became clear to me that I am being called into Drama ministry. Even though I was born into the family of Artists, I never ever thought I would go into it but here I am. I relocated with my family to United Kingdom early 2005 and by December 16th of the same year, HPGM was inaugurated. Since then we have gone on to make 5 feature length movies and this is the 6th and a Television series is on the way too. That’s the journey so far.


I notice that it’s a gospel film. What is the storyline? What is the theme? What is the message?
Yes it is a Gospel Film and that is what I specialise in as a Christian writer. Storyline; Libby an opinionated, feisty young girl from a single parent  meets the perfect American rich Doctor online and starts a budding romance. Libby is desperate to hang on to her new love despite warnings from her friend and her mother. The gifts she kept on receiving from her online lover did not help matters. But what is love when you can’t be together? So Libby travels all the way to meet Mr right in the land of opportunity. However, will all be right with Mr right? The Message; CAGED MOVIE is a contemporary story that attempts to address issues around online dating and the possible risk. It also encourages parents on the power of prayer and how to handle wayward children.


ishow 3What do you intend to achieve with this film? What statement are you writing with it?
I am trusting that as people watch the film they will understand the message and walk circumspectly especially the Youth that although the Internet is available, online dating is not particularly ungodly but they should use the media with caution, and mostly allow God to help in their choices and that not all that glitters is gold. Also that people would learn to trust God to solve their problems no matter how big the problem is.
What is the inspiration behind the story?
Basically, I am inspired by the Lord to write since I started. For this particular movie ‘Caged’ the testimony is awesome because I was planning on making a totally different story in the USA but as my preparation advances I discovered that my finance and other logistics couldn’t accommodate the script I was planning on filming. And as a child of God, I have learnt to follow the leadings of the Holy spirit, so with other challenges I faced, I knew God was saying something to me, so I became more sensitive and attentive to His leading. I was asked by my contact person in America If I can make my movie in 3 days instead of the 8 days I proposed but because I do not like to rush my work, I was hesitant, there is no way I can film in 3 days a project slated for 8 days, I told Him if I have another message I would see. So, I went back to God and He gave me this message that is much shorter and will be easier to approach but with a relevant story to this time and age of the INTERNET. I can confirm that the inspiration was from God because the concept of the script was written within two hours and the whole script finished in two weeks, which is the shortest time I have ever written a script. ‘Caged Movie’ is all about God himself doing His good pleasure.

What is your assessment of the Nigerian film/video industry?
I think Nigeria Film industry is really coming up and I believe that if people can keep working hard on improving the quality, technically and creatively, things can only get better. Now Cinemas are back, which to me is good news. They became non-existent since video took over, I am so happy to see that new ones are rising even though many older Christians do not go to cinemas but let’s start from somewhere, some will change their minds and definitely the younger folks will patronise the cinemas as many of them do now anyway. We shall get there by God’s grace. As for the video market, it is a real mess, except the government will help by putting laws in place to penalise and make piracy a serious offense, that department is still going to be in trouble. Production values are low because producers are scared of putting much money and films are pirated putting them in debt. But with the new media coming in, online streaming and downloads, Cinemas hopefully the industry will see more success as a means of distributing their work. Most Television houses will take your movie to broadcast for free, when they can give some money from adverts to encourage producers, how do you make money to shoot another one? How can you improve quality by doing that? But things are getting better and I believe up is the way from now on.

You said that Caged is the first of its kind gospel film that will come to the Nigerian cinema. How much of the Nigerian scene do you know? What do you think makes your film different and or better than what we have seen all over?

‘Caged’ Movie is a Christian movie coming to cinema in Nigeria in this new era of cinema in the country, although Christian movies have been in Nigerian cinema years before but with CAGED gospel movies are back in cinemas by God’s grace.

It is Christian movies of African origin in the UK and by God’s grace it’s going to America in June 2016, one of the countries of production, I say that with all humility and thankfulness to God, all glory be to God alone. I will not say it is better than other movies, what I will say is that it is unique, peculiar with contemporary storyline. It explores things that are happening in our world now. ‘Internet’. Yourself as a media practitioner, you know the power of Internet. Facebook, Twitter and co. Look at Jumoke the bread seller turned model, see what the Internet has done to her? Things can happen with the Internet, good and bad alike, but people need to be informed and educated about the possible risks involved.

Kindly introduce yourself to our readers: Your name, education, marital status, family, career etc.
My name is Bola Akande. I am a born again child of God, married to Mr Kola Akande with 3 children. I am the second daughter of Mr Olusola Isola Ogunsola aka Dr I Show Pepper. The first daughter of my mother Mrs Mojisola Ogunsola aka Iya Alakara both of whom had gone to be with the Lord. I originally trained as a microbiologist but now trained and practices as a Filmmaker and Media practitioner with BA degree in Film and Media Studies from Manchester Metropolitan University and Masters degree in Film making from Manchester School of Arts. I am the Creative Director of a Christian Media outfit called His Praise and Glory Media Ministry (HPGM) based in Manchester UK

Doing a gospel film brings you forth as a Christian. Tell us about your journey with Christ.

I became a Christian in 1994 shortly after I got married in 1993. I have served the Lord in many capacities since my conversion. I was ordained as a deaconess by Bishop Francis Wale Oke of Sword of the Spirit Ministries in 2002 and the same man of God sent me out as an evangelist in 2005. The Ministry, His Praise and Glory Media Ministry started in 2005 as I said above. I am standing on the authority of the word of God following, as He leads and I know that I shall make it in Jesus name. I wrote a book titled ‘Without A Word’ in 2013; it’s a message that encourages partners whose spouses are not yet born again to hold on to God. I also gave some advice based on my personal experience about I was able to win my husband to the Lord by God’s grace because today we both serve the Lord.