TRUTH NUGGETS ABOUT YOUR PASTOR:  These might help you in relating with your Pastor or Pastors generally

TRUTH NUGGETS ABOUT YOUR PASTOR: These might help you in relating with your Pastor or Pastors generally

TRUTH NUGGETS ABOUT YOUR PASTOR These might help You in relating with Your Pastor or Pastors generally... 01 Pastors are Men/Women! Always remembe

WHEN LAST DID YOU ATTEND SUNDAY SCHOOL? The many benefits unknown to Christians and Churchgoers ~ By Dr. Bólá Adewara

These might help You in relating with Your Pastor or Pastors generally…

01 Pastors are Men/Women! Always remember this!

02 They are chosen of GOD to Lead! This leadership is about SERVICE!

03 Pastors are gifts! Gift of GOD to His people. Ephesians 4:8&11

04 Pastors can be male or female. Its not a Man’s job. Its a calling!

05 Pastors have a clearly stated Mission – Keep the flock! Primarily by Feeding

06 Pastors get hurt! Most of their pains come from the people they pastor!

07 Pastors hurt people too. Its a reality and We must admit it!

08 Pastors grow! Appreciate your Pastor for where He/She is in their growth process

09 Pastors face challenges. They live in the same world. Many don’t admit it though

10 Pastors can be sick. 1Timothy 5:23, Phillipians 2:25-26

11 Pastors can be broke! It doesn’t mean they’re in sin. See Phillipians 4:11-12&14.

12 Pastors are not always right! Even Your Pastor (including this one)! See Gal.2:11

13 A Pastor is not immune from temptations 1 Timothy 6:11, 2 Timothy 2:22

14 Pastors are not Lords over GOD’s people. 2 Cor.1:24, 1Peter 5:2-3

15 Pastors are deserving of honour, for their work’s sake! 1Thess.5:12-13, 1 Tim.5:17

16 Pastors have human weaknesses! Even if they don’t admit it please take note!

17 Pastors are servants of God, not celebrities!

18 Pastoring is not a career option, its a divine calling! Don’t make it an ambition

19 Pastors are helpless without GOD! They’re no magicians. No bragging rights!

20 Pastors trust GOD but need men! Be there for Yours as much as You can!

21 Pastors need prayers. Lots of it! Even for their conscience. Hebrews 13:18

22 Pastors must not be exalted above the Word. Never! 1 Cor.4:6

23 Help preserve your Pastor’s sanity. Stop calling him names outside GOD’s Word!

24 Pastors MUST be answerable to a higher authority. One who knows them personally!

25 Pastors relationship with a person of higher authority MUST be known to the flock

26 A Pastor MUST be accountable to the people He/She leads! He must DEMAND the same!

27 Pastor MUST be able to keep secrets. That’s why some of us already have grey hair

28 If You must leave Your Pastor remain grateful for the good He’s done in Your life

29 Good Pastors will not fight You cause You’re leaving. Shift Happens! Its just life

30 Pastors have Family. How would You treat Your brother/sister. Let that advise You

31 Pastors are not all in all. They have limits; can’t be career coach, therapist etc

32 Pastors can work and thendo business. Patronise them. Don’t defraud them with sentiments

33 Pastors sometimes need to be left alone with self/Family. Respect their Privacy!

34 A Pastor can/will die if not encouraged to rest/eat well and respect medical counsel

35 If You are a Pastor’s friend, please be lovingly blunt with them. We need it!

36 Don’t try to relate with your Pastor’s Family/spouse beyond what they permit.

37 Pastors can give to members. Its a two way street! No entitlements though!

38 Every believer MUST have a Pastor! who is yours?

Have a Blessed weekend!
