Pray for E-life

Almighty God of truth and justice, I want to pray for all journalists and people whose work it is to write, especially those who have deliberately departed the way of truth and honesty, that through their daily engagements they may learn to be witnesses of truth and be bold to confront evil and injustice. Grant them the finance they need to expand the kingdom through their writings and publications, the understanding of aesthetics and designs that would attract readers to their hard-copies, websites and blogs. Let the pen they hold daily be their way to salvation and greater peace with you and that all they write will not stand against them on the days of judgment in the name of Jesus.


Father in heaven, Leah refused to renounce her faith and for that she is paying the price with her freedom. She was one of 110 girls abducted from their school in Dapchi, Nigeria by Boko Haram in February 2018. The following month, following negotiations by the government, the girls were put into vehicles back home but Leah wasn’t released because she refused to denounce Jesus. In the name of Jesus Christ, I command the peace of God upon Leah and her family. We ask that the will of God be done in her life. I ask that lives be touched by her heroic exploits even in the den of the criminals and enemies of Jesus. I command that Leah be released that she would come into the fullness of her life, talent and ministry in the name of Jesus.