Dear editor, An issue is bordering me. How can I provoke the favour of God? I converted to Christianity in December 2018. I succeeded in getting my w
Dear editor, An issue is bordering me. How can I provoke the favour of God?
I converted to Christianity in December 2018. I succeeded in getting my wife and three children to also follow me to Christ.
The people who preached to us said when we become Christians, all our troubles would be over. I, therefore, thought that when we give our lives to Christ, things would change for the better.
I have since discovered that the journey is not easy. It is like the troubles have just started even though I am not going back to Egypt.
My wife, who was an Alhaja, is even more determined than me in going forward in Christ. My problem now is won’t Jesus consider me as a baby Christian and answer us?
Why would Jesus treat me like an old Christian, looking at us as if we are mature enough in the faith to surmount our challenges?
I am 49 and my wife 45. Things are not really rosy for us materially and financially, but we are not begging to eat or begging to pay school fees. Still, we want better things in life, as people told us we would get when we give our lives to Christ.
Can I ask you a question, sir? If you can’t answer it, help me ask your pastors or Christian friends.
‘How can my family and I provoke the favour of God?’ I see some pastors preach 21 laws of success. 21 this, 21 that. Is there a book like 21 ways to provoke the favour of God?
Thank you, sir.
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