THE HILLARY CLINTON MODEL: Woman, Go and Bring Out the Champion in Your Husband. – by Bola Adewara

THE HILLARY CLINTON MODEL: Woman, Go and Bring Out the Champion in Your Husband. – by Bola Adewara

THE HILLARY CLINTON MODEL: Woman, Go and Bring Out the Champion in Your Husband. Enough of Divorce! . But for the fact that Obama is a blackman an


Woman, Go and Bring Out the Champion in Your Husband. Enough of Divorce!
H1 But for the fact that Obama is a blackman and I had prayed that Martin Luther King Jnr would not die in vain, i would have pitched my tent with Hilary at her first presidential bid. I loved this woman. After baby, she is the one. If only baby would permit me, I would have been a wife snatcher. Know why? I will tell you. Hillary Clinton.

When the scandal broke that her husband, Bill was dancing Awilo Logomba with one intern called Monica Lewinsky in White House, to such an extent that there were pieces of clothes and berets stained with semen, all the women libers in the US, those who are congenitally incapable of holding a home, the divorces, the expired women, all sorts of women put this woman under pressure to speak against her husband. To sue him. To ask for divorce.

If Hilary had spoken on the issue, and perhaps against Bill, it was very certain Bill would have gone down. The American Congress would have unanimously passed the vote of no confidence on Bill and he would have been impeached.

hillBut this woman, this next president of America kept quiet. The husband faced the music. The storm came but it went. One day, Americans found her still standing by her husband in public. Today, those home killers are quiet. Won ti sempe!

Bill kept the 10 commandments, but violated the eleventh: ‘Thou shall not get caught.’ He was caught. Red handed. But his wife covered his sins. Today, Bill, in spite of all, remains a force to be reckoned with in America and all over the world. He had a wife. A good wife. May God give you one.

A wise woman builds her home. She stood by her husband. Today no one knows how she took the matter out with Bill in the secrecy of their bedroom. Could Bill have knelt down for her, wept on her shoulders for forgiveness? No one knows because she managed the crisis.

Hillary had insisted that the sex between her husband and the then-21-year-old intern had no “real meaning” and said she had not been “sensitive enough” to her husband’s emotional state. Rather than blame Bill for infidelity, she took the blame for the lapses. That is a wife! Today, her stoic resignation and calmness in the face of that challenge is working for her. If she had destroyed her husband, she would be nowhere today herself!

Another woman I respect so much is the wife of Ted Haggard, the American preacher. The man preached against homosexuals, but he was one. A gay. One of his mates called him to stop speaking against the act or he would expose him. One thing led to the other. The man fell.

First to speak was his wife: “My husband has fallen. Please pray for him. Don’t expect me to divorce him or abandon him. This is the time for me to show him I love him and love I will show to him”. What a wife!

h3If na some women for 9ja, you go hear winrin winrin: how she has been suffering in your house since wedding day. How she drinks gari three times a day! Na she dey pay children school fees, soup money she dey add to what you give her. She go say na juju you take marry am. Na she dey send money to your parents. The car you dey drive, na she buy am! Some women.

Woman, go and cultivate your husband. Go and bring out the champion in him. A story was told of Obama and his wife, Mitchell. They went to a restaurant to eat and Mitchell saw a guy she had dated before. Obama teased her that if she had married the man, she wouldn’t be the President’s wife today. Mitchell said no, Obama would have being the President and that man would have being.

Do you understand Mitchell’s mindset? She made Obama who he is today. I like that. Woman, there is no perfect man anywhere. Do you think Hilary and Mitchel dont have disagreements with their hubbies ni? Na manage all of us dey manage ourselves. Go manage your own and bring out the champion in him. ENOUGH OF DIVORCE! That is why I love Hillary.
Bola Adewara
Twitter: @livingprojects1