WHAT ELSE DOES MY WIFE WANT? HOW CAN I BEG HER? AFTER ALL NO ONE ABOVE MISTAKE I like 2 share something with u. My home is under fire, caused by my w



I like 2 share something with u. My home is under fire, caused by my wife. And partly by me. But she led me 2 it. Though I am ashamed now 2 say what I av done but as I said she pushed me 2 it. One nit, after so many months of doing it, she caught me right on top of a lady she brought in as her cousins. Dat girl is wayward frm d first day she brought her 2 d house. Dis girl will not wear bra and her nipple jutting out anyhow. I av style style hinted my wife 2 take care of her. Even when my friends come 2 our house, dey pass playful comments but she doesn’t know dat dat girl is causing some emotions around we guys.

Now my wife is her own problem. She declines sex every time. Every time its one issue or d other. And I av a large appetite for sex. I use 2 go out before. I have girlfriends ive stopped and I am back home. At least I controlled myself. Dis lady, a polytechnic graduate waiting 2 serve talks provocatively when watching dis Yoruba films. I av caught her a few times watching pornographic movies on my laptop. One day I picked her Samsung phones. She has plenty of porno movies on dem. I don’t know how my mind began 2 think of her. Dis lady will call me during office hours 2 bring my food or dat she needs something. I always wonder why she would not call her sister. One day she came 2 my office under d pretext of going 2 d market and was short of money. I took her out 2 lunch and… one thing led 2 d other and we had it inside d car at d quiet back of my office. Dat was how she comes every day. Dis girl is a bomb. What my wife did not agree easily, I get it free frm her.

At home, anytime my wife says no, and sleeps off, i av a way of standing up in d middle of d night under d guise 2 wee and end up in her room and do a quickie and return 2 bed. I confess dat I av done dis severally. She has aborted once. And she told me she has aborted three times before.

I don’t know what happened when one day right on top her my wife was standing behind us. I was shocked. Life went out of me. My wife did not say anything till now. And she did not cry. I have not seen her as if she is touched. When I got home d second day we were caught, d lady had left d house. That evening, I heard her discussing on phone, saying something like ‘I thought I was helping u and ur daughter. I told my husband dat we are cousins. I don’t know u people frm Adam. We only lived together as neighbours in Ibadan. Now Folashade has done dis 2 me. E seun o. Thank u.” She cut d line when I entered. I prostrated 2 explain, she just brushed me aside and went out 2 kitchen.

Every day she prepares d food for the house but no discussions between us. I want her 2 allow me 2 beg her. I know I offended my darling wife but she led me 2 it. She would not sleep in bed with me. She sleeps on the sofa in the sitting room till now. She will greet me in the morning. Take care of the three children. She still gives me food but I am afraid 2 eat it. I always sanctify it before eating, in case of incasity. You can’t trust women in issue like this. I ve been seeking for lines of communications with her daily but she blocks me.

I went 2 d Church 2 apologise 2 God and made a vow dat dis is d last time it will happen. I feel within my heart dat God has forgiven me. Why is my wife crucifying me. I av not heard dis matter frm anybody. None of her friends. She stopped using the cars, preferring 2 enter public transport. I bought her plenty things, I av spent over 250k on things, she brushed them aside. My house is stiff. Everything is quiet. No talking. I am dying inside. My problem is how do I break d silence. I want her 2 talk 2 me. A friend I told said I should use boneface or shakara her or ogboju. But it’s like putting petro on fire. My wife has no spirit of God in her. She is only claiming to be a church worker. If she is truly born again, why wouldn’t she forgive and open line of communication, so I can explain my own side of the story? Three months now!

Look at what she did again. Last week I went to her office maybe she will talk to me. I bought some items for her. Immediately she saw me, she greeted me nicely, as her loving husband. She introduced me to all her friends in her office as “my darling husband.” She spoke to me so well, so proudly as if nothing was wrong. I was shocked. I said Women! I sat with her for 30 minutes. Any issue I raised she discussed politely. When I tried to go to the main issue, she stood up and walked away. When going, she saw me off as her friends were laughing at us as ‘love birds.” When we got home, she switched off. It was like she was not the same woman I met in her office.

I don’t know if u should publish dis because i know some women will be washing their mouths on me as if they do no mistakes, as if they too av peaceful homes, as if they are not replica of my wife. They should keep quiet. No one should abuse me. God has not condemned me. He says I should go and sin no more. So …

Uncle B, please how do I break this silence. How can I beg her. How can I beg a woman deeply hurt after all no one is above mistake.




Well, I decided to publish it because I don’t even know how to advise you on this issue. She is hurt, no doubt. You were even lucky she did not kill the two of you or caused a scene that nefarious night. I guess you let her be for now. She will cool down. But don’t ask for love making now o. Let her boil over first. Abi wetin una talk my people?