Books by Bishop Kola Onaolapo (Late)

Bishop Onolapo is the Founder and General Overseer of the Abundant Life Gospel Churches with Headquarters in the Agege area of Lagos. He was born on J

Books by Pastor Festus Adewole
Books by Apostle Dele Johnson

bishop OnaolapoBishop Onolapo is the Founder and General Overseer of the Abundant Life Gospel Churches with Headquarters in the Agege area of Lagos. He was born on July 27, 1957, to Pa. and Mrs Onaolapo in Erin-Ile, Kwara State. Pa Onaolapo was a business merchant when he lived until his death in 1984.

His siblings are Joana Gana, the wife of the late Professor Gana, a university don and first Vice-Chancellor of the Birgham University in Nassarrawa State, Anna Oluyori, wife of the grandson of King of Kabba, Pa. Atikekerejolu Oluyori, Kehinde Onaolapo, a lecturer of the Kwara State College of Education, Ilorin, Taiwo Onaolapo, a Businessman. He is a half-brother to Professor Joshua Onaolapo, a professor of Pharmacy at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.

Kola Onaolapo started his primary school education in African Church Primary School, Erin-Ile. He completed his primary school education in Zaria, Kaduna State in 1968. He later went to Government Secondary School, Patigi in Kwara State. In 1975 he got admission into Ahmadu Bello University’s School of Basic Studies and later was admitted into the University’s Faculty of Science where he studied Chemistry.

He received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in 1976 and since then has been preaching as a student in the university where he was involved with the Evangelistic outreaches in Samaru, Zaria. As a student pastor, he preached in many crusades in Zaria. Many people were not sure if he was a student or a pastor. After graduating from Ahmadu Bello University in 1980, he was employed by the Plateau State Government to work as a teacher in Jos. It was while he was teaching he had an encounter with God.

Bishop Onaolapo would usually wake up at 3 a.m. to pray. On this particular day when he woke up to pray, he heard a voice saying to him, “I will be calling you to preach the gospel”. Two weeks later, the same voice came asking him to fast and pray in preparation for a visit from God. He started the prayer and fasting and on the following day by 4 am while he was trying to rest after a session of prayer, he was visited by Jesus in his room.



In the Bible, we have records of saints who, despite their circumstances, and through their persistent faith, had outstanding achievements. Your name can be on the list of these men and women who lived a life of great achievements and excellence. They imparted their generations positively. You also can impart your own generation positively. By doing so, your name will automatically come on the list.

Achievement is the reason for these monumental records. Faith is the force that brought it into being. They trusted God and believed His word; so their work produced results. They were not easily tired people; neither were they weaklings. They believed they could make it, oppositions notwithstanding. They backed up their belief with action, they rose up to work and they achieved great results. Nothing works until you work it out. They walked with God; they worked His works and succeeded. You can succeed.

Price … N150




As the reality of the second coming of Christ continues to dawn on all flesh and spirit, the activities of demon spirits are- becoming more prevalent, constituting themselves into controlling forces that have been assigned to control, monitor, or influence their lives, and wreaking havoc on human characters and making their captives unable to enjoy life to the fullest.

This book outlines ways of dealing with these forces, with a view to bringing them under control, using the authority of the name of Jesus to attain the all-important victory.

Price … N200



Our God is a God of plans, purpose, aims and objectives. He has a plan and purpose for everyone’s life, including yours. In the case of Jesus, 1 John 3:8 lays bare His purpose: “For this purpose, the Son of God was manifested, that he might DESTROY THE WORKS OF THE DEVIL.”

Again, in Jeremiah 1:5, the Bible says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations. ”

When God calls you to serve Him, it’s simply because He has included you in His list of the choice of people set aside for specific ministerial or professional assignments.

He doesn’t just call anyone to take responsibilities in all areas of ministry or profession; either in music, evangelism, counselling, dancing, film production, or book writing, and so on, He gives such a person the gift and the grace required for a specific area of calling.

Price … N450



Kings have palaces. It is where they live and rule. Palaces are specially designed to contain many rooms, mansions, thrones etc. The more wealthy the king is, the more glamorous the palace.

Our citywide crusades often take me to palaces of Kings. As my team arrives in a city or town, we first visit the governor or the king of the land. My first visit to the Buckingham Palace in London, UK, where the Queen of England resides was exciting and full of adventures. The beauty of fence work, the big mansions in the front view, the entrance gates and the display of guards … are exciting views to many tourists that visit the palace daily.

They come from every walk of life and from all over the world. While peeping to have a glimpse of the guards who were at attention for an incredible length of time, at first, you may not know that they are human beings.

Price … N350




The last sermon that was delivered by Bishop Kola Onaolapo, (the presiding Bishop of Abundant Life Churches) before he passed on to glory was THE UNBEATABLE ARMY OF THE LORD.

He was very passionate about it as if he had knowledge of his impending demise and therefore considered it necessary to give us a template of God’s expectations of us when he would no longer be physical with us. This message has been a great blessing to us all.

To keep it before us, I decided to publish it. Workers of Abundant Life Gospel Churches have continued to see this message as the most important instruction to effective service in this end time. We keep referring to it again and again; You will certainly be blessed hearing the message in the pages of this book.

Price … N400



Today many young men and ladies battle in their minds concerning marriage partnership. From counselling, it looks as if most ladies would like to get married before the age of twenty-seven and most young men before the age of thirty-two years. This is good.

Good speed in life is scriptural However Bible knowledge and Christian experience show that marriage time will not be the same for every believer and there is no particular age stipulated for marriage. But when a man or a woman is getting towards forty years of age or above with no marriage partner, one needs to ask “what’s going on”?

This book is meant to help in shedding light on God’s mind on this subject. It is not exhaustive, it was not meant to be a big volume, but just a booklet to show you seven important points to note as you trust God for the right person meant for you in marriage. If you are blessed by the write-up, please pass it on. As in all my books, this small booklet is carrying the anointing that is powerful enough to give you a breakthrough over delays in marriage. If you read it prayerfully and in faith, your story will change and you will soon have a testimony.

Price … N350



There are some types of ‘faith’ that are ineffectual, have no basis and are exercised by trial and error. Such ‘faith’ has no foundation and there is usually no assurance in the user that God is behind it. Faith is not just a jump into the dark, it is rather a lump into the dark carrying light in your hands.

Here I will show you the kind of faith God wants to see in us: This kind will make you win every battle the enemy brings across your path and set you among the princes of God’s people: The Faith That Wins.

The faith that wins stands and keeps standing on what God has said. Sometimes people initially stand on God’s word but they do not keep standing on it. Ephesians 6: 13-14 says “Having done all to stand, stand therefore” You will have to do all to stand and keep standing on the promise of God for your situation.

Every other thing you lean on can fail. But the word of God remains steadfast and unchangeable. Some have stood on God’s word for some time, then later drift to lean on something else: man, charms, senior brother etc. In many cases, they have been disappointed. ” Price … N400


This book is written to help pastors and church workers who have a genuine love for church growth. Real church growth is not about dividing an existing church to go and start “your own”, rather it is a soul-winning effort that first targets the unsaved, then makes efforts to help the backslidden who has abandoned going to church, helping them to go back to “behold the beauty of the Lord and to enquire in His temple. Psalms 27.7-202x300

In Volume One of this book, I talked about:
(a) The features and characters of a pastor that will make a church grow.
(b) The role of church members of a church that will grow.
( c ) What should characterise workers of a church that will grow?

In this volume, we are to see the next level in church growth, for church growth has levels. A church that began with two to five people, that becomes twenty-five in one year, has moved to the next level because handling a church of five people is a little different from handling that of twenty-five.
Price … N400





grow-216x300CHURCH GROWTH Volume 1
This book is written to assist pastors with a genuine love for church growth. There are already many books on this subject, but this one is written out of my over two decades of running a church. A pastor does not have to give up his desire for a big church due to the numerous challenges he is currently facing.

You will discover that as much as prayer and fasting is so important to the growth of a church, there are other significant points to note in starting, growing and maintaining the continual growth of a living church. May this first of many volumes be an eye-opener and an inspiration to your heart. Amen.
Price … N400





Packs of Bishop Onaolapo’s Books: N2,500
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