In this interview with a security consultant and pastor, Ladi Thompson, he takes a look at the 2023 elections and the aftermath. His thoughts are that


In this interview with a security consultant and pastor, Ladi Thompson, he takes a look at the 2023 elections and the aftermath. His thoughts are that
… things would have been terrible and much worse were it not for the prayers
… Church has done very well in evangelization but failed to disciple the nation

… concept of Nigeria was received during an all-night vigil in 1837
… Nigeria is a prime target of the kingdom of darkness

The full interview is below …


In an active political era as we just passed by, what should be the role of the Church? What are the thoughts of God for the Church in politics?

On the 1st of October 1960, a special independence bible was launched by the CMS. It was an ebenezer to all future Christians and a reminder that the Church played a vital role in the birth and foundation struggles to bring Nigeria into existence.

The concept of a nation called Nigeria was received during an all-night vigil in 1837 when Thomas Fowell Buxton agonized in search of the solution to end the practice of human slavery even though the slave trade was abolished in 1807.

The prescription to use Christianity in reorganizing and dignifying Africa by encouraging “legitimate trade” instead of human slaves was documented in his book “The African Slave Trade and Its Remedy” published in 1839.

These were Christians who practised the biblical instruction that all believers are to “contend” for the original faith.

Without any stretch of the imagination, the word “politics” actually means “contention”, and it is how we are told to “disciple” the nations of this world. The modern Church restricted itself to evangelism and ignored the discipling of Nigeria, so we have now become insignificant, like the salt that has lost its taste.



God has a political agenda that is clearly outlined in the scriptures, but we have failed to broadcast the truth about the model of government that Jesus Christ imported on his shoulders.

I have just finished writing a book titled GOD’S POLITICAL AGENDA – “How to cast your vote for Jesus Christ” that should help when published.

Ajayi Crowther, for example, served God’s political agenda in his days despite the fact that he was kidnapped and sold by Fulani slavers in 1821. Yet, the same Fulani seed is still kidnapping people in 2023 in modern Nigeria.

This means we have since betrayed God’s political agenda decade after decade and generation after generation.

So many believers are wrong in thinking that God sent His son to save the Church instead of the world and don’t seem to remember that God does not want us to condemn the world.


In your answer to the first question, you said the concept of a nation called Nigeria was received in an all-night prayer session. How? Can you expatiate on this?

In the search for a solution to the slave trade, Thomas Fowell Buxton, who succeeded William Wilberforce, spent a night in prayer. God gave him a word of wisdom, and he ran to wake his sons to share it.

His book The Slave Trade and Remedy was published in 1839. God said that official trade would replace sale trade.

The problem was that Africa did not have official structures in place so the Clapham sect championed the cause for the model in Freetown and the pursuit of organized African states by influencing British foreign policy.

The idea of Nigeria came out of the shoot-out between the CMS on the one hand and the Royal Niger Company on the other. Documented history says it split into a huge contention between Ajayi Crowther and Taubman Goldie.

Slave Trade was abolished in 1807, but slavery continued as a lucrative practice; through his inspiration, slavery was outlawed in 1833


From your observations of this election, has the Nigerian Church done well? In what areas has the Church done well, and in what areas has it poorly done?

The answer is obvious! We all know there has always been tension between the three kingdoms in Nigeria. Right now, the kingdom of darkness has a significant advantage over the kingdom of God in the Nigerian domain because the Nigerian Church is presently disconnected from the agenda of the kingdom of God.

We lost the kingdom connection during the generation of Herbert Macaulay, who was Ajayi Crowther’s grandson. Ajayi Crowther contended with Taubman Goldie, the man of darkness who corrupted and supplanted God’s original design for Nigeria.


Goldie’s hijack of the divine structure produced a  Nigerian nation that is programmed to keep failing without falling.

These spiritual contentions go far beyond the training offered by the Ephesians War College, and the harvest we are reaping today was contaminated while men slept.

The blame must not be heaped on the present generation of church leaders alone because Nigeria has been the prime target of the kingdom of darkness for many decades because of the prophetic role that God assigned to our nation in His end-time agenda.

Bible says “strong meat” belongs to those who, because of use, have exercised and honed spiritual discernment. Pa Elton, for example, foresaw this dreadful hour of Nigerian history.

The Nigerian Church has done very well in evangelization but failed to disciple the nation of Nigeria. This is the hour to correct that error.

In events leading to the elections, there was a  foreboding in the land leading to prayers and fasting here and there. From what has happened, are we not just apprehensive for nothing?

The dark clouds had gathered before the elections, and our nation faced five existential threats. Blood was being shed nationwide, and the value of human worth had returned to the level of the ancient days of human sacrificing, plus the fact that corruption had completely overrun the nation.

The terrorism hydra had infiltrated the high places and had its tentacles in all our spheres of influence. The kingdom of darkness was well positioned to swallow Nigeria, and we were battling the three Cs. We were facing gross CORRUPTION, as mirrored in the cheap value of human worth.

We were struggling with the programmed CHAOS we inherited that has kept us failing without falling, and of course, COWARDICE becomes a national standard when the hydra-headed monster of terrorism is allowed to spread.

CHRISTIANS IN POLITICS: Stop playing the victim

In this mix, we must not forget that poverty has been weaponized already. A drowning man will grasp at a straw, and the Church erroneously joined the people in hopes that a political solution would be our salvation.

By divine inspiration, we knew that the terror hydra had intelligently invested itself in the political process, and there was a plan to spill blood and amplify the chaos, so we all went into prayers and intercession, asking for the mercy of God.

We launched an “Obey The Macedonian Call” – OTMC global intercession using prophetic warfare for 21 days, and we can tell you that things would have been terrible and much worse were it not for the prayers of many that were heard on high.

Of course, we knew that a political solution would never work & God would never honour the concept of “the least of three evils” that the people wanted.


A president-elect has emerged, Bola Tinubu, a man the Church said is a wrong candidate over his Muslim-Muslim ticket. Despite the Church mobilization on this, he emerged. How powerless or disorganized do you think this makes the Church in Nigeria?

Whenever the Church disconnects itself from the kingdom of God, religious empires will flourish, but the problem is that religious empires lack the authority to resist the power of darkness.

Ideally, the religious persuasion of candidates is not relevant to God’s political agenda, and that idea is just being used to deceive gullible Christians who don’t know that Jesus Christ and his gospel of the kingdom have always been resisted by religious authorities.

On the terrestrial level, God prefers rulers who fear him and respect the principles of the kingdom of God irrespective of their religion, more so when the Church has failed to produce leaders that recognize the Body of Christ above their local assemblies.

The fact that God allows the Ark of Covenant to be captured by the Philistines does not mean that the story is over! God wants His people to awake from spiritual slumber and repent.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu won because he is a master of the game. He is like Hiel the Bethelite, who succeeded in rebuilding Jericho by offering the required costly sacrifices. He sacrificed his eldest son, Abiram, to lay the foundation and offered his last born, Segub, to complete the project.

Such dedication to the forces of darkness is often a game-changer in spiritual contentions, just like the fate of Israel when the king of Moab offered his first son as a human sacrifice to retain his kingdom.

Beyond his victory over the Nigerian Church, Tinubu publicly humiliated the two most powerful military generals, including a serving president.

This master of corruption motivated two northern governors to spit at the presidency and split the Arewa constituency in a way that defies reasoning.

Without the descent of father or mother, this pseudo-Melchizedic devotee is positioned to plunge Nigeria into darkness that Ajayi Crowther would never have believed if he is not stopped on time.

The exciting thing is that it will be accomplished with such deception that people will be singing on their way to hell.

In the wake of the election, Pastor Ladi Thompson, came political challenges, especially in Lagos, over ethnic issues between the Yoruba and Igbo. Can you do a kind of information synthesis on this issue? Must elections always be ethnic feuds?

The explosive “Igbo-Yoruba” contention is just one political exploitation of the divide-and-rule equations in the Nigerian engine room. There are many others that the kingdom of darkness uses when provoked.

This simple problem could easily be dismissed in five minutes if we decided to reconnect the Nigerian Church to the kingdom of God.

The problem here is that the Church has been stoking religious hatred while the politicians are stirring tribal hatred, and it is well known that we cannot overcome hatred with hatred nor darkness with darkness.

God did not design His Church to be a thermometer that measures and changes with values but a barometer that regulates values.

Now, the voice of the “obidient” youth is a raucous cry of desperation from the generations that have been dehumanized and disenfranchised by Nigeria’s systemic problems and existential threats. Sincere as the “Obidients” are, they are in the process of being out-manoeuvred by the masters of corruption.

If the obidient Church does not arise to identify with the poor, defend the downtrodden and speak for the underprivileged, the obidient youths will resort to a predictable reaction sponsored by the flesh.

So, it is time for the Church to blow the trumpet in Zion and announce the nation’s call to a higher destiny.

The young Obidients have established a foothold with courage born out of desperation, but the narrative has to be salted with wisdom before the youths are pushed into the isolation of despair because freedom is never freely given but has to be won.

When evil men combine, good men must unite, and when bad men begin to plot, good men must start planning. The Nigerian Church needs to get rid of the idea that there will ever be a national transition from corruption to righteousness without any tension.