The Arewa Gospel Musicians have conferred an uncommon honour on Apostle Emmanuel Nuhu (Noah) Kure as the Sarkin Yakin Bishara, Chief Warrior, Defender
The Arewa Gospel Musicians have conferred an uncommon honour on Apostle Emmanuel Nuhu (Noah) Kure as the Sarkin Yakin Bishara, Chief Warrior, Defender of the Faith, in Northern Nigeria.
In a ceremony that took place in the auditorium Thursday, 28 October 2021, shortly after the ministration by Autan Zaki, the Jalingo based foremost gospel musician in Northern Nigeria, Zaki said this honour they are conferring on Kure is uncommon and this is the first time they would consider anybody worthy of it.

* Apostle Emmanuel Nuhu Kure, the defender of the faith in Northern Nigeria.
‘’There cannot be two Sarki Yakin Bishara at the same time. Kure has proved himself worthy of this title of Chief Warrior of the army of Christ.
We are doing this today to make Kure an inspiration to all Christians in Northern Nigeria. Kure has stood as a Christian and stood with his people in moments when many Christians would rather keep quiet or compromise the faith.
Auta said in the entire 19 Northern States of Nigeria, there are many spiritual mafias that are taking over by fire by force, but Apostle Kure is exceptional.
‘’Since the military regime of more than two decades, he has been fighting for Christians. He has been in the ministry for 42 years.
This ministry is 30 years today. Kure himself cannot estimate how many persecutions he has gone through but he is a man that stood with all guts, resilience, without fear or compromise, consistently defending the gospel here in Northern Nigeria.
‘’He has been accused severally and abused like a baby. We the youth in Northern Nigeria are aware and we took it upon ourselves that it is high time we celebrated our fathers; it is high time we told the world what they have been doing. It is high time we let people knew that here in the north, there are men that have been sacrificing for Jesus. He is one of them.
We are happy that he accepted the award and the turbaning as the chief warrior of Northern Nigeria. The man has been standing and is still standing.

Jalingo based Autan Zaki during his ministration.
This is a man who can go to any length to defend the gospel anytime. The turbaning has nothing to do with Islam. It is our cultural way of doing doings, of showing appreciation to men who deserve it. Kure is one.’’
Responding to the award, Kure said he accepts the crown as the Seriki Yaki and hand it over to God to keep it for him until the day he arrives in heaven.
‘The testimony of the crown is that the gospel will never die in the North in the name of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus, anybody standing as a stumbling block to Christianity, anybody seeking to exterminate the gospel shall rise to become the defender someday, in the name of Jesus.’’
Bringing out the sword from the sheath, he anointed it and said ‘’Father, this symbol of authority is anointed and become spiritual. I place it on the ground of northern Nigeria.
It will win souls for Christ in the name of Jesus. The sword of the spirit shall not give anyone rest that has come to persecute Christians in Northern Nigeria.
We release fire from our mouths that every home will come under the fire of the Holy Spirit, people will confess Christ and worship Him all over Northern Nigeria in the name of Jesus.