One unique thing about Bishop Priscilla Otuya is the conviction with which she speaks. She has a great history, taking it root from a challenging background through long years of self-development and self-discovery in Christ. Not many pastors anywhere in the world would close down a flourishing Church, believing that God said so and is leading them to another branch of the ministry where tithes and offerings are not readily given. But she did just that and founded House of Regents, a non-denominational outreach. She also founded KOGA Foundations (Kingdom of God’s Agents). In this interview with E-life, conducted by Bola Adewara in Ajah Lagos Nigeria, Priscilla Otuya takes a look her calling and the inherent messages the world could learn from her experiences.

How were you
called into ministry?
I wouldn’t say I stumbled into it. I got married at a
very ridiculously young age. I was not even 17 years old. I come from Kwale in
Delta State. My father who was working with Nigerian Tobacco Company then had
financial challenges. His way of preventing his children wayward life was to
give them out in marriage. So, that was how I got married early. Not long after
this, my elder sister disappeared; there was no information about her. We were
still in this when my younger brother too disappeared; and these two were very
close to me. So, I found myself crying everyday and asking God questions. The
answer was very strange. God said ‘I allowed it for you to understand peoples
pains, and that He wants to put me in a situation where I will be able to minister
to people from my heart.’ That was how I started praying for people and
counseling them in my house.
To hear God,
there must have been some levels of relationship. What was your Christian life like
Let me say here that that some people get called for
ministry even from their mothers’ wombs, like Jeremiah. So there are some
people that were called from their mother’s womb. My parents were Catholics, we
were raised in that Church before we joined Redeemed Christian Church of God.
How did your
marriage promote your walk with God?
Very good question. I will tell you that my husband is
my mentor because our marriage went though turbulent times. But one thing I
know is that he grew to love me because when somebody loves you, you will know
by the way you are treated. When we had our issues, I would be praying for him.
That was where I learned how to pray for women. So, my marriage actually grew
me to be the minister that I am today.
Most people
who left the Catholic Church for other denominations often give reasons like
bowing to statues which they see as idolatry. Did you leave on the same
I did not leave the Church because of that. I was
still with my parents when we left for RCCG, this was because we moved from where
we lived to a new place that had a parish of Redeemed Church close by. Now, talking
about the Catholic Church and other denominations, I have a different take. If
you study the Word of God properly, you will see that even the Pentecostals are
not doing the right thing, we have a faulty foundation. The Bible says even the
devil transforms to angel of light to deceive the children of God. So, if you
ask me, I will say the devil and his co-workers collated the work of Christ to
form religious Christianity and each time some people get to a point of
knowledge, they break out to form another Church. They will keep breaking out
until they get to point of the unity of faith. There is no place in the Bible
where the word, Pentecostal is mentioned. No place. Remember that Pentecost was
the feast of ingathering (the first fruit). The disciples of Christ were His
first fruit. He dedicated them to God on that day and the Holy Ghost came as a
seal. So, there is no place that the scripture say practice Pentecostalism. That
is why we have people going outside to look for powers. Let’s go a little
deeper. Why did the early Church gather? The Bible say nobody can come to the
Father expect He is drawn by Him. That is why we come together periodically to
discuss our welfare, how we are faring, how we are persecuted. That is what
they did in the early Church… and to teach our children the way of God. That
was why they had deacons. Today, deacons are servants of the pastors. It is very wrong. In the early Church, deacons
were anointed people, men of good reports that could be entrusted with Church
money. Today, it is not so because from the beginning it has a wrong
foundation. All the Churches, Catholics, Pentecostal, Aladura, all have their challenges,
so, we will keep dividing until the remnant emerge.

What do you say about the genocide going on in Southern Kaduna? Why are Christians
going through so many persecutions?
The Bible says, as it was in the begging so it will be
again. God has timing. God has purpose. God has agenda. God has a blue print. In
Jeremiah 8: 7, God says, everything has it timing. He expects us to be live by His
spirit but we are moving with tradition and religion. We are not discerning.
God told me that everything that men have build today they will all go down.
What am I saying? Any true seed of God will understand that we have entered the
season of Gods own change, where God Himself is ordering the uprooting of every
system, every kingdom that opposes His righteousness. God told me He has
ordered the destruction of the world system, including the religious system leading
to the emergence of my true seeds into the positions of power to usher in the
kingdom of God. And what is the outcome? Have you ever heard in the history of
mankind that the Arabs fought against themselves? God is dethroning thrones and
dominions opposing him and He said that judgment was going to start in the
house of God.
Now we cry Christians are being killed but the truth is that we are just
cutting the thing by the head. We are not going to the root of the matter. Is
there anything like Churches in the Bible? They were called Christians in
mockery. We all know, as Bible students how they mixed these things together to
start Christianity. Do you think God will allow things to continue like that?
And remember Jesus said everything that God did not plant will be uprooted. In
Ezekiel 8:9, it says summon those that have charge over the city, each man with
his destroying weapon, you that have the writers ink on begging to mark the
head of those whose heart grimes and once you are done begin to kill and begin
from the house of God. Kill the women, the children, the elders and start in my
house. And in Jeremiah, He said do not be fooled by saying Bethel, while you
continue your idolatry in the house of God, lying and cheating and you expect
change? It is not going to happen and it just one aspect. Remember, when God
wanted to use Moses, the devil rose up through Pharaoh to start killing all the
male children to prevent Moses from coming up. But God had His way. Also in the
time of Jesus, the devil did the same thing.
The Bible says that knowledge of the glory of God shall fill this earth as the
water cover the sea. Imagine a flood happening! The flood will displace reptile,
sand other dangerous animals and after the flood, they will find themselves in
houses and start killing the people that live there. Now people don’t know that
the glory of the knowledge of God is flooding the earth but we give glory to
the devil. The devil has no power without God’s permission. Whatever you see
the devil do, God initiated it. So God’s glory is covering the earth and its
displacing the temporary occupant of the earth and God has taken power from the
devil already, that is why they have come out very aggressively because the
power God has given to them have been withdrawn.
If you have
the opportunity of speaking with Muhammadu Buhari, what will you will tell him?
I will tell him to fear God. He may know Him as Allah
or anything, but the truth is that He is the sovereign God. Nobody can control
or counsel Him. My advice to Buhari today is that he should do whatever he does
with the fear of God, and that one day, we will all die and everything we have
been told by our religion will fail. We will meet the Master one on one. Buhari
should be leader for everybody and allow God’s will to be done for the nations.
Your message
to Nigerian pastors…
Well, they should start going back and start making
research because Christ said count the cost. We have been sold a dummy; those
that founded religious Christianity did it for their own selfish interest. Nigerian
pastors are favoured by God. Let me give you are shocker. God told me that the
kind of wealth that is going to Africa is such that the worlds have not seen
before and they know it. Think about it, despite all that is being said about
Africa, about Nigeria, they still want to get your visa. They still want to by
your land, the North Korean leader said we should allow them to colonize us. So
what is coming to Africa is huge and the whole world knows it and the Nigerian
pastors have a stake in it. So, we should go back to God and search for the
real faith in Christ, connect with Him and see His bless us beyond our offering
and tithes.
As a mother, I
want you to speak to the girl child, especially the teenagers, those in the tertiary
institutions and the singles who are easily deceived with luxuries of life.
Like I said before, I married very early so I did not
know my left from my right but I went into a lot of self discovery. Today, I have
a girls’ outreach where I make them understand that God gave everybody a gift
as they come to this world and the gift is wrapped with a special wrapper and
the gift is your talent. Discover yourself!
Like my second daughter Pricilla, when she was a 200 level in the University of
Lagos, I noticed that she loved photography a lot. She was doing well in the
university but I pulled her out to Harvard Extension School to study journalism
because that is her passion and she did well.
God told me that we parents are the major problem of our children and I asked
how? God said in the Bible days, parent consult oracles to know the future of
their children and if the oracle say she will be a trader, they ensure that she
is brought up in that trade. The Bible says, train up a child in the way he
should go, when he grows up, he will not depart from it. If you as a girl child
find yourself in a situation where you parent are forcing you to do a
particular career that you do not like, obey them and do it but follow your
passion. And as for being deceived with luxuries like phones, an IPhone goes
for about N200, 000. Look, if you are serious, you can use that money for
something more profitable and connect with God. When I say connect with God, am
not talking about going to Church. Jesus did not come to give us religion. If
you are keyed in Christ, He will wake you up every morning and tell you what to
do and how to do it.
Let me use my daughter as an example. She came back from USA after school and
God told her to decorate Teddy Bears and sell and she did and orders kept
coming and she was making a lot of money. So, get an idea and make it to
reality. As the saying goes, ideas rule the world. As a child of God, ideas are
God’s Inspiration.

What is your
ministry like? What are you doing?
I closed Church five years ago because the Lord told
me I did not call you to do Church, but go and help my servants. So, we are
going back to what is supposed to be. A pastor needs a genuine support that
will watch your back. I do well as a number two person. I support very well.
And if you understand that, your blessing comes from God even if you are the
fourth or fifth person in the hierarchy. So, my mission in the body of Christ
today is to mobilize servant of servants like the Bible says in Acts of Apostle,
let us focus on the ministry of the Word and you serve tables. You can also be
a minister serving tables. My real call is an Apostle, but I don’t answer it
because it’s a very big one!
You got married at a very young age to a husband 13 years older than you. How were you able to cope with your little knowledge of submission as a wife? How did you escape marital failure?
I will still take it back to God. Let me tell whoever cares to listen that we are all not the same. I had a pre whatever from God and my mother was a very respectful wife so, I got that from her. We were not the rebellious kind of family even though we are from Delta, a Nigerian environment that so many see as stubborn. Also, God assisted me by telling me to me look at this man as your master… and I made up my mind that whatever he does will not get to me. I used to work with a boss that paid me monthly. I saw my husband in that light too. Also, the first thing that God told me when I entered the ministry was that the man is your head, you must honour him. If I honour Him God, I should honour my husband too. That I am like his bodyguard and just like the government will employ a body guard for the president and the president does not pay the bodyguard but the government. You too should do you work and come to me for your pay.