Books by Dr. Bola Adewara


Dr AdeBola Adewara, the editor of E-life magazine, is the Principal Consultant of Livingprojects Ltd (


Dr AdeBola Adewara, the editor of E-life magazine, is the Principal Consultant of Livingprojects Ltd (, a Nigerian ICT and pro-gospel media outfit.

Books by Dr. Bola Adewara

* Dr. Bola Adewara

A widely travelled journalist, biographer, infopreneur and webmaster, he also lectures at EPIC  Theological Seminary and College, Lagos, Nigeria.


He is the author of several books, including
* Become an Internet Evangelist
* Discover the Secrets of Mentoring
* Marriage: 40 things you must know
* Message to the Ignorant Church

Others are
* Diary of an Angry Christian
* Truths you won’t hear in Sunday Service (Book 1)
* Truths you won’t hear in Sunday Service (Book 2)
* Unprofitable Relationship
* Beyond Ignorance
* Conversation on Faith in times like this.

As a propagator of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, he founded e-life in 2005, which was the first online gospel magazine in Africa. The magazine expanded to hardcopy in 2017.

Adewara is the convener of The Lagos Christian Entrepreneur Meetup Group, consisting of about 4000 members and the Lagos Web Design Meetup Group consisting of about 2000 members.

On Facebook, he founded several pages and groups that minister to souls around the world. He founded Nigerian Women in Ministry, Nigerian Prayer Intercessors and e-life Videos of our Lifetime.

On Whatsapp, he also founded three groups, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER GROUP (KIPGRO), an
e-life internet library where e-books are shared with members.

Also, SWEET MUSIC, a group dealing in meaningful and old music and e-life Videos, is the Whatsapp equivalent of e-life Videos of our Lifetime.

Adewara is a well-followed writer on social media, which he regards as a mission field. More about Bola Adewara can be read at

Book One. For Young Christians.

After I graduated from Bible School, many things about Christianity became more apparent. I was able to see Christianity and its practices in a better light.
Details of being a pastor, Church leader, and Church member, and what it means to be a Christian became clearer.

I was able to see why certain things happen in the Church and to Church members, and I was able to decipher what people can do in response to these issues within the limits of the Bible.

These details might not be apparent to many who treat Christianity as a Sunday-Sunday medicine.

Unfortunately, many old Christians and Church leaders have come to place less emphasis on Weekly Bible study programmes, just as they despise seminaries and Bible schools.

In utter disdain, some said attending Bible schools is not a precondition for salvation, and seminary education has nothing to do with the anointing.

True! No one is required to tender a seminary certificate at the gates of heaven; neither does it add to the level of anointing.

But we should not forget that the anointing could take you up the ministry ladder, but you require more than the anointing to remain there.

There are so many extras that the current Church leaders have left out, which are responsible for the poor image of the contemporary Church.

Within this matrix, I put down these extras that so many Churches do not bother to know or teach their members, especially the young Christians who are becoming victims of poor leadership.

These would be useful to the young Christians so that they could be guided away from the pits their forebears had fallen.

I have been as biblical as the Lord has given me grace in this book. I have unapologetically been blunt with the truth of the gospel.

I have also drawn from the saintly experiences of some Church leaders whom we have ample shreds of evidence of God’s calling upon their lives. The time is now for all sons to be unapologetic about the fact.


Book 2: Advance Level Christianity. (For Mature Christians)

Book 2 of Truth you won’t hear in Sunday service, tagged Advance Level Christianity, is a sequel to the first part, tagged Ordinary Level Christianity.

Book 2 is a compilation of observations to assist mature Christians who are being fed with solid food after the order of Hebrews 5:12.

The Bible speaks of maturity in terms of a Greek word often translated “perfect,” but the meaning is “fully formed” or “brought to completion,” and that takes time.

One of the ways to be a mature Christian is to stop living for this world and start living for the next.

An average mature Christian must have seen the totems of this faith from better perspectives and be able to run his race with zest and forbearance.

Taking note of the ways God has shown Himself, mature Christians are continually learning what God is like.

They view the Bible as the story of God’s relationship with His people over the centuries, and they see His fingerprints throughout the world around them.

However, there are some spiritual truths a few mature Christians might not know by omission or commission or by their shoddy handling at the discipleship level.

Truths you won’t hear in Sunday service, Book 2 is, therefore, written to share fellowship with such mature Christians, to remind them of these salient facts of our faith, and help them keep steady at all times.

UNPROFITABLE RELATIONSHIPS: Real-life stories of relationship errors

Every day, people file for divorce or walk out of their homes and never return. Why does this happen? Can it be avoided?

Books by Dr. Bola Adewara

* UNPROFITABLE RELATIONSHIPS: Real-life stories of relationship errors

In most cases, many people who go into relationships and marriage are unprepared for it.

More effort goes into a wedding, which lasts for just one day, than marriage, which lasts till death do them part.

Most parents push their half-baked children into marriages without remembering that poor chaperonage or mentoring would always lead to failure.

I have acted as an online mentor and marriage counsellor to many people who reached me with their matrimonial pains and challenges.

Some of the emails sent to me have been presented to men and women of wisdom to give wise counsel in simple terms.

I have put these emails in this book so that youngsters preparing for relationships, courtship, and marriage would be properly mentored before signing the dotted lines.




Answers to 50 Controversial Church Questions

This book is a compilation of answers to controversial questions often asked by church-goers and baby Christians around the world. It is purposed to emancipate men from spiritual Ignorance.

Many of these questions have been answered differently by Church leaders and theologians, but most times, they are unsatisfactory to people who asked them.

This impasse often leads to further questions and confusion, leaving Christianity in a halo of controversies.

It doesn’t end there; it often assists fault finders to assail the Church as irrelevant, pastors as unintelligent and the Bible as overrated.

However, a very detailed Christian knows that there is no question about the Church or Christianity that cannot be answered within the precinct of the Bible.

The Bible is not only complete but inerrant. The challenge is that many Christians are not thorough enough in reading their Bibles like the Berean Christians.

More importantly, many of us do not invite the Holy Spirit to do His job of teaching us in all things. If we do these, we will be able to live Beyond Ignorance.

Gathered here are 50 questions often raised in Churches, Bible Studies and theological schools, and by church-goers and baby Christians.

These questions have been sent to theologians and balanced preachers of the Gospel around us. As a teacher in a seminary, I have also studied extensively to find Bible-based answers to them.

All these responses we present to the Holy Ghost for endorsement. From Him, we can compile them into a book and present them to the reading world.

I believe this book will help interested people to step Beyond Ignorance, know some more details about the faith and live a life that exalts God. Enjoy it!



When Jesu said in Mark 16: 15 that… “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature…” I am sure He had the internet in mind.

Books by Dr. Bola Adewara

* Become an Internet Evangelist

He saw it… otherwise, how can we tell the whole wide world (www) that the Word Works Wonder (www) if not through the internet, … www dot….

This book will teach you:

* What Internet evangelism is all about
* How to effectively use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc., for evangelism
* Behaviour of Christians on the Social media
* Characteristics of effective Church websites
* How your ministry can use Social media the right way
* Dynamics of the Social Media Pastor
* etc.
Learn how to do this work effectively!
Get equipped!





We live in a society where mentoring is almost non-existent or corrupt. Many of the younger generations do not have genuine characters for inspiration.

What they know of mentoring is the social hypes or images of characters they see in the media.Books by Dr. Bola Adewara

The older generations who should mentor the younger ones do not know what to do with their time in their old age.

Many of them remain in the same spot, waiting for death.

Gradually, the younger generation is left on their own to discover life through efforts bordering on trial and error.

We all have seen where this leads us as individuals and as a nation.

In this 24 chaptered book, you will learn about

  • Guidelines on starting, running and ending mentoring programmes
  • Eight principal topics on mentors/protégés and 15 mentoring types
  • Finding good mentors/protégés, qualities and questioning
  • Mentoring in Africa, Church and family as mentors
  • Famous mentors and protégés around the world.



In this book are my posts on social media. It all started when Baby came home and narrated what happened to one of her friends, and I posted the story on Facebook. The response was stupefying.

* Marriage: 40 things you must know.

Gradually, more and more people who read the story began to confide in me about their marital challenges to get counselling.

One of them told me that she couldn’t go to her Church or speak with her Pastor because she was unsure of getting the confidentiality required.

That evening, she called to thank me for posting her matter and the responses it elicited.

The fact that she got a listening ear lifted a significant burden off her spirit.

That was the day I decided to continue giving consultation to people who seek my counsel through social media.

Some of these posts have gone viral and are hereby reproduced.





Like Pastors, like congregation! What else do we expect in a generation where being a pastor is no longer a calling by God?

* Diary of an Angry Christian: 40 Observations

The earlier book, Message to the Ignorant Church, is essentially a focus on the Church as a body.

Diary of an Angry Christian is a sequel directed at the individual members of the Church.

My focus is more on these individual independent Churches where no one could control them, so many of their founders submit to no one.

They have no Spiritual Fathers or mentors to advise or supervise them.

They have not gone through proper spiritual training, formal or informal, to know or establish a proper vision.

They do Church as they think and interpret the Bible as they like.

Once a member is not satisfied with their standards, the gate is opened for him to leave.

Gradually we are breeding a generation of victim-Christians, vagabond Christians impacting negatively on society.

No wonder someone said the Church in Nigeria is a kilometre wide but an inch deep. The Church is sick!



Saddening is the suspicion that many Churches are being set up without the consent of God. Some were set up because their founders disagreed with the leadership of the Churches they were serving before.

Books by Dr. Bola Adewara, Editor Elife

* Message to the Ignorant Church

Others were set up because their founders were in haste to actualise what they perceived as the call of God upon their lives.

Some set up Churches because they had no other source of livelihood. Yet, there are so many who were called by God.

Many of the so-called Pastors are therefore compromised. The words in their mouths are weak.

Their prayers are not backed up with signs and wonders.

The fire on their altars is dead. Gradually we are breeding a generation of victim Christians, people with very weak mindsets impacting negatively on our society. There must be a revival in the land.

This is a book of observations I have made in our Churches in so many years of gospel journalism, publishing and providing internet support for Churches across the land.

The best condition for evil to thrive is for good men to do nothing about it.






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