DR. JOHN ADEJORO-OLUWA: PROFILE John Adejoro-Oluwa is an anointed teacher of the word. He was a pastor at Foursquare Gospel Church for ten years befo

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John Adejoro-Oluwa is an anointed teacher of the word. He was a pastor at Foursquare Gospel Church for ten years before the Lord called him out of Foursquare and its denominational structure and system. Since then, he has taught the gospel of the Kingdom.

He hosted the radio programme The Power of Endless Life, broadcast in Nigeria, the West Coast, and South Africa then.

He is the author of life-changing books like:
1. Hearing God’s Voice,
2. Dealing Wisely with the Sins of My Youth,
3. Generation Cords and Their Effects,
4. If The Foundations Be Destroyed … What can the Righteous Do?
5. Exercising My Spirit Man to Follow the Lord,
6. Biblical fast and
7. Embracing His Cross.
Some of these works have been translated into other languages like Portuguese, Yoruba and Hausa.

He is married with children and has widely travelled, preaching and teaching the Gospel of the Kingdom.




I am aware that many Christians have various adverse reactions and attitudes to the word Babylon. To some, the word invokes mystic connotations.

To others, Babylon is associated with heretic teachings and teachers, while the majority is completely ignorant of this biblical word that spans Genesis to Revelation.

This is understandable because in the past and even now, there have been some off-course or extreme teachings and publications by some groups both in this country and abroad.

This prompted some church leaders to warn their followers to avoid, at all costs, people who dare say anything about Babylon in connection with the church.

No wonder then why everyone keeps a measure of distance from any discourse on Babylon.




All five human senses- seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and tasting- are equivalent in the spirit.

These can also be exercised to give us spiritual knowledge.

We achieve far more for the Lord when we walk in the Spirit than when we exercise our natural or carnal mind.

This is the only way we mature or are perfected in Christ.

This book, therefore, teaches us how to exercise our spirits to hear the Lord and follow Him daily in everything we do or say.





God wants to talk to you. He has been speaking, But many questions plague you. Does, does God still speak? How would I know God is talking to me? I don’t know how to hear God’s voice.

Hearing God’s Voice answers important questions and helps clear the age-old confusion on this all-important area of Christian living even as it lays the important foundation in:

* The Lordship of Jesus Christ
* Separation unto the Lord
* Consecration
* Waiting before the Lord.

Hearing God’s Voice teaches you how to develop sensitivity to the voice of the Lord and offers a helpful safeguard against the things that thwart your effort at hearing God’s voice.




THE TRUTH ABOUT deliverance from demonic oppressions and activities became widespread among Christians in Nigeria from the early 80’s.

Since then, many ridiculous, unscriptural, even abominable things have been done in the name of ministering deliverance from demonic oppressions to people possessed or oppressed.

This is often times done by overzealous, many a time misdirected and wrongly motivated preachers and Christian workers. Satan himself perpetrates his evil works by taking advantage of ignorant and gullible Christians and the people in general.

Despite all these bad sides, some genuine work of the Holy Spirit is being accomplished in the lives of God’s people. There were testimonies of people delivered to some reasonable degree and set at liberty to serve the Lord.




Foundation! How critical to everything we are and do, and yet what little attention it receives from us until the storm hits.

In this critical book on the subject, Bro. John Adejoro-Oluwa does a classic study for anyone, institution, or nation interested in understanding their beginning and why their lives and performances are the way they are.

In Foundations: How They Affect Nations and Destinies, you will learn how foundations affect your Education, Career, Business, and Marriage.

Discover what foundations were laid in your life’s critical areas affecting your performance and destiny and receive the tools to overcome.





The cross symbolizes different things to different people in different cultures. For example, the Romans adopted it to punish, with death,  condemned criminals.

But more importantly, in a peculiar sense, it is God’s sentence of death passed on sin and our flesh. It is an instrument of returning to Him without sin.

Hence, we can say it is the will of God for man to embrace and embedded in His will for man is the cross.

This book shows to us how everyone who wants to do His will must desire and carry the cross daily. No believer is exempted or excused from his, for the cross of Jesus is the way to defeat the power of darkness and live an overcoming life.




Why do certain diseases defy medical explanations? Why is our walk with the Lord unstable? Why are our marriages suffering? So many questions and more.

In dealing wisely with the Sins of My Youth, John Adejoro-Oluwa takes a fresh look at the sins of our youth, such as unconfessed sins, unfaithfulness and indulgence of every description.

In this concise volume Bro. John explains how the sins of our youth affect our walk with the Lord, our marriages, and our health. The sins of our youth happened so long ago we have forgotten that we even committed them. But do they remain covered to be forgotten forever? Not according to the Scripture,

The sins of our youth are transferred to our bones; over time, they manifest as afflictions and diseases, affecting our relationship with the Lord and our spouses. Is there hope? Is there a way out?

Combining a sound knowledge of the Scripture and uncommon spiritual insight Bro. John beams the light in a way that shows the link between the sins of our youth and suffering. Dealing wisely with the Sins of My Youtb offers needed deliverance and relief.



… People from all walks of life and religious persuasions fast at different times. People fast because there is value in fasting-

There are many books on the benefits of fasting today. As a matter of fact, I have read a few of them myself.

However, my focus in this book is not another how-to book but the value of fasting from Heaven’s perspective.

Who determines the value of fasting? The instructions you receive from Elohim God before, during, and after the fast, which should reveal or contain His purpose for any type of fast, determine the value the fast carries.

In the following pages, I shall share the insight the Lord Yahuah has graciously granted me on fast.

I am not saying this is the final word on fasts or that the Lord has taught me everything there is to know about fasting. I am simply sharing the much He has taught me so far.




To buy this book either in soft/hard copies or in packs,
Contact the author at:

3, Adefolu Drive,
New World Bus Stop,
Off Allen Avenue,
Lagos, Nigeria.

Telephone: +234-81551790091