Books by Rev. Afolabi Coker

Afolabi Samuel Coker is the Senior Pastor of THE KING'S CHAMBER, the church arm of REDEMPTION INHERITANCE MINISTRIES, Lagos, Nigeria. As an academi

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coker2Afolabi Samuel Coker is the Senior Pastor of THE KING’S CHAMBER, the church arm of REDEMPTION INHERITANCE MINISTRIES, Lagos, Nigeria.

As an academic, he lectured at the Geology Department University of Ilorin, Kwara State Nigeria. He is the President and Visioner of SETTLE ME, o LORD!, a prophetic outreach that gives direction by the Word and the Spirit; with broadcasts on radio and television stations all over Nigeria.

He has authored quite a number of books. His simplicity in the communication of the word is highly acclaimed by all and sundry. Afolabi Samuel Coker is married to Adetutu; a pastor and they are blessed with wonderful God’s generals.



A lot of Christians are tired of their present status and condition. They have done all they could to change things for the better but it seems their efforts are yielding no fruitful result.
This book highlights the need to cry out desperately to God for a settlement, just like Jabez did. He needed more from God than he had before.
When you realise the predicament you are in and discover the way out and you do what is required of you, God will move on your behalf to settle you. Enjoy this book, apply the principles therein. Your testimony will be OUTSTANDING.




The need to fulfil God’s purpose can not be overemphasized. We need to enhance our fruitfulness and productivity here on earth, so we have to be mindful of the character of Christ in us ..
This book, UNTIE THE KNOTTINESS will help you deal with the limitations, boundaries, and barriers against your God-ordained purpose on this earth. You are destined to excel in flying colours, so you have to rise up to deal with the ‘little foxes’ and let your vine yield forth its fruits to full capacity.
UNTIE THE KNOTTINESS unveils the pathway to blessings without restrain. Grace and peace will be multiplied to you as you heed the concepts being highlighted herein.
Absolute productivity, accomplishment and blessings will be your portion through the steps to practical suggested in this book.



A lot of men and women all over the world are facing numerous challenges in different areas of their lives. Many times these challenges push them to the wall; they lose hope and feel like giving up the fight.
DON’T CALL IT QUITS is a book set apart to bring hope to the downcast and strength to the weary. This book will reawaken in the readers all their dead hopes and aspirations. It is a must-read for all those who are going through hopeless situations.





In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will. Eph 1: 11″Life without a blueprint is like a boat on the sea without a compass. such is likely to be tossed about by the waves of the sea.”The book outlines the demands of a Christian in his bid to succeed against the seemingly prevailing odds. It highlights what God has purposed prophetically for us and what we ought to do in our endless bid to enhance prosperity, good health and general welfare.





The prayer points in this book have been compiled to assist Christians in waging war against every opposition, spiritual, physical, emotional, financial, marital, and in every area of their lives where they are facing challenges.
The book incorporates scripture prayer points on every facet of life. It also includes positive confessional statements that will turn ordinary people into dynamic Christians.
“A personal prayer Guide” stresses the role of individual and group prayer for every Christian. It is a must for every child of God.


I was privileged to speak at several Ministers’ conferences on the topic of Mentoring, both locally and internationally. The response from ministers was quite amazing. The truth is, there are a number of things ministers don’t understand about ministry, choosing your fathers, the duties of mentors and indeed the part of the proteges. The contents of this book will help you to develop a more meaningful and result-oriented relationship with other men of God. This book will also help you to make better use of your time; reproduce yourself in others while you are facing the challenges of mentoring or being mentored.

is a book that greatly highlights the need to serve your Lord and God. He is the source of your life. He has created you the way you are to glorify Him by using your potentials to bless Him and humanity.

This book will help you to live for God after discovering your identity and purpose through a close relationship with God. The Almighty God delights in your selfless service, make up your mind today to live for Him.

It is the wish of every single person to eventually settle down in marriage with their right partner. But due to ignorance, getting married seems to be eluding them while the clock ticks away. This is a book especially inspired by the spirit of God to give a blueprint to those who desire to be married.


It has been established that wherever the strength of man ends, is the beginning of the power of God.
The morning time is very significant in the scope of life. The morning signifies freshness, beginning or commencement of anything.
David said in Psalm 5:3 “My voice shall thou hear in the morning O Lord, in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee and will look up”Because light breaks up in the morning (Psalm 58:8) the morning hour is a very good time to seek the face of the Lord, therefore this book “EARLY MORNING SETTLEMENT PRAYER” (Series 1) will equip you to seek the face of the Lord early in the morning when there is no distraction.


The matter of marriage is very important to God and to everyone. A good marriage is the foundation of several good things in life. However, in our society today, marriage is fast becoming a matter of concern. Marital people no longer cherish the core values of marriage, they also take lightly their marital vows.
Marital matters shed great light on the meaning of marriage and the steps to take to achieve marital success. The book highlights the roles of the husband and the wife and also identifies some problems that could be encountered in marriage and their solutions.




A ko awon adura ti 0 wa ninu iwe yi jolati ran awon onigbagbo lowo lati gbogun tigbogbo oke isoro inu aye won.
Iwe yi wa fun 0 lati 10 fun ara re tubi fun adura agbapo ninu ile ijosin.
A ko awon isori adura yii jo lori orisirisi isoro ti 0 wa ninu aye awon onigbagbo. Ko see mani ni iwe yii je jun gbogbo omo leyin.



The book THE DIVINE SETTLER is about the fivefold dynamics of the price Jesus paid for the benefits of all humanity if we choose to believe in Him and exercise His
authority. The will of God by His grace is to reveal His glory in us irrespective of the
issues of life we are going through. As you appropriate your faith by practising’ and
exercising God-ordained principles and enforcing your authority in Jesus Christ,
you shall rule and reign as king and priest with Him here on earth for real. This book
will deliver into your hands ways of manifesting His redemption benefits, divine rest, divine compensations, divine recovery, total transformation with lots of Spirit-filled prayer topics that will help settle diverse issues of life to mention a few. Get prepared as you go through this book. Jesus Christ, our Lord and personal Savior will heal the broken heart, give personal freedom, unveil the mysteries of His kingdom on earth to you, set you free from oppression and avenge your cause favourably. He will turn your mourning into joy, ashes to beauty, heaviness to dancing and totally set you free. THE DIVINE SETTLER is highly recommended for everyone who desires to fulfil the benefits of their inheritance in Jesus Christ here on earth.


A practical guide to successful Spiritual Leadership. As a duty, every spiritual leader who desire effectiveness and excellent results must learn about the principles
underpinning spiritual leadership. A journey through this book will expose you to these tangible principles, expressed in simple language for easy understanding.
This book will further enhance your knowledge of who you are and also help you to differentiate between VISION and AMBITION.
DYNAMICS OF SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP is highly recommended for everyone called to the responsibility of leadership and all children of God who desire to
serve God better.

Prayer is a powerful tool in the hand of the believer, to achieve great exploits. When you see a praying believer, you can easily differentiate him from a lazy believer.
Prayer changes things when nothing else will. The prayer points contained
will teach you to pray effectively and fervently to get your results.
This book which is a sequel to “Early Morning Settlement Prayer” (Series II) is loaded with faith challenging testimonies. The impartation section of the book will also help you declare the truth of God’s word concerning your life. The God of the old is still alive today.
Equip yourself with this treasure and you will be encouraged!


One very important truth every born again child of God has to know is that God has richly blessed us. He expects us to live our life in -an abundance of joy good health, riches and wealth. He is a faithful God and does exactly what He promises. He made a covenant of blessings with Abraham of which you are partakers by virtue of your sonship with Him. This book will open your eyes to the blessing of God and how you can position yourself to receive the showers of blessings without measure.

To buy this book, please contact the author on
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