The author of this book, Rev. Dr. Samson Olasupo Adeniyi Ayokunle, simply known as Supo Ayokunle was born in the fifties to the family of the late Mr

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The author of this book, Rev. Dr. Samson Olasupo Adeniyi Ayokunle, simply known as Supo Ayokunle was born in the fifties to the family of the late Mr Amos Ogunkunle and late Mrs Theresa Bibilari Ogunkunle of Jagun Alawusa House, Isheke, Oyo Town in Oyo State.

He has his first degree of Bachelor of Science in Sociology from the premier university, the University of Ibadan in 1983. He also had a Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) and a Master of Education (M. Ed) in Guidance and Counselling from the same university.

Dr. Ayokunle equally bagged a Master of Divinity in Theology from the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, in 1995 before proceeding to the United Kingdom to obtain a Master of Arts in Theology and Religious Studies from Liverpool.

Hope University and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Theology with an emphasis on Liturgical studies from the University of Liverpool.

He has taught before in secondary schools in Plateau and Oyo States and served for some years at the Federal Civil Service Commission, Federal Secretariat, Ikoyi, Lagos as a Senior Public Administrator before God called him into the full gospel ministry.

Apart from being a village evangelist, he has equally served as pastor of Estate Baptist Church, Ogbomoso Road, Oyo. He also served as the senior pastor of Jubilee-Life Baptist Church for sixteen years before he was elected the 6″ Nigerian General Secretary (now President/CEO) of the Nigerian Baptist Convention.

To cap it all, God graciously elevated him as the 7th President of the Christian Association of Nigeria, the largest Christian ecumenical body in Africa! He is a man of the Spirit, a trained pastor, an astute counsellor and a versatile administrator.

A seasoned tele-evangelist whose sermons especially on the New Frontiers, a cable television station owned by his denomination, are continuing to bless many souls. He edited Effective Leadership in the Twenty-first Century, the fruit of The Life Builders Conference he convened.



This book, Overcoming the Challenges of Life through Christ, is written by the uno numero Christian in Nigeria. The author adopts the anecdotal and experiential approaches at presenting the subject matter, intentionally meant to minister encouragement and grace to all and sundry as they face various challenges of life.

The personal experiences of the author and those who had been under his pastoral tutelage over the years have come to bear on the unique style of presentation which focuses on Jesus Christ as the panacea to all predicaments in life.

The book contains answers to some of the questions that people who face the challenges of life will frequently ask as they seek explanations to these obstacles. Rev. Dr. Samson O.A. Ayokunie, a veteran pastoral counsellor engaged biblically sound and professionally efficient human angle scenarios to proffer personal, social, ecclesiastical, environmental and spiritual clues to people in their quest for a permanent solution to the challenges of life.

The author wrote in simple English Language to underscore the fact that challenges present the opportunity to showcase the grace of God that rewards a blood-stained cross with a star-studded crown He presented his ideas with such theological clarity and intellectual balance that lend the book its immediate relevance and practical usefulness!



This book is written by seasoned and anointed servants of God from two church traditions, Evangelical and Baptist. In addition, those in academics, especially seminary and university lecturers, are involved.

The rich backgrounds of the authors in different forms of administration over the years has enabled them to write in the most practical way about the subject of this book ‘Effective Christian Leadership in the Twentieth Century. The book contains the papers presented by each of the authors on the ‘The Life Builders Conference’ of 2010 convened by the editor, Rev Dr Samson Olasupo Ayokunle and his wife which was held at Jubilee-Life Baptist Church, Orita Basorun in Ibadan, Nigeria.

This book is written to suit the reading pleasure of those who want to make a difference in Christian Leadership, pragmatic, vision-oriented leaders that want to make their organizations better than they met them.



Family is one of the oldest institutions in the world. It began account union of Adam and their creation by God. In their union as a couple, God added to their family through procreation with the arrival of Cain and Abel.

Right from the beginning of that family. God demonstrates clearly that one of the reasons he created them was for that family to identify with him and live for his purpose. This was clearly seen in the order he gave to them, that is, be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it and have dominion. It clearly showed that it was when Adam lived for these purposes of God that they lived for God.

When it appeared that the generation of Adam and Eve failed God, he wiped them away through the food and brought out another generation through Noah out of which he chose the children of Israel to particularly live to show forth his (God’s) praise (1 Peter 2:9). The witnessing family, therefore, is that family living daily to carry out God’s will and by so doing allowing others to learn obedience to the will of God.

A witnessing family, therefore, is a family that is relevant in the world-winning assignment of God through exemplary living. It is a family that is a model to others in virtuous living. This is what God expects every Christian family to be in this devil-pleasing world! This is the preoccupation of this book from chapters one to four. In doing this, chapter one talks about how crucial Godly foundation is to this witnessing mission of a family.




Everyone who is in leadership has a propensity for success. Under normal E circumstances, no leader will deliberately choose to fail, yet, not all leaders succeed because success depends on how we handle leadership.

This is the hub of this book. The author, Supo Ayokunle, combines biblical principles with leadership experience of many years to give sound teachings that would help leaders and potential leaders in understanding, walking in and living a life of integrity, which is germane to effective leadership.

This book exposes readers to:

– Crucial lessons drawn from the success or failure of some notable leaders in the Scriptures and the role played by integrity or lack of it, in their leadership.

– Goodly and godly counsels on the requirement for leaders serving in a credible organization, as spelt out by the word of God.
– The attributes and importance of wisdom for successful leadership.
– The blessings of integrity.






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