In three quick succession, just between Friday and yesterday, I lost three friends to COVID 19! Two of them we spoke almost every other d
In three quick succession, just between Friday and yesterday, I lost three friends to COVID 19!
Two of them we spoke almost every other day on the phone and one, we saw in Church last Sunday and we hi ourselves from a distance because he was far away from me. 

Around noon today Monday, I called a lady friend, Opeyemi who lost her husband recently, to know how she is faring now. She met me with another bad news: she lost a very very close friend on Saturday. The lady was with her throughout her sad moments. They still saw each other very recently and spoke on phone almost every day.
One thing is common to these deaths, they all had the virus but they never knew. To one, it came like malaria. To another, cough. Another, headache, body pains and they were all treating these. Even their doctors did not suspect COVID 19.
Ope told me that her friend only complained of chest pain. One of my friends who died on Thursday was treating pneumonia. Another was treating malaria. None of them suspected COVID. By the time all of them found out it was COVID-19, the virus had gone deep, destroyed their systems beyond repairs and they all died. These friends died ignorant deaths. I am in a mourning mood at home.
My friends, please, believe me, Jesus sends me to you. If you notice you are having any kind of feeling, you are feeling ‘one kin’, please go for Coro test. Start from there. Don’t go to any hospital around your house. Look for the COVID 19 numbers and tell them you want to test. Early detection will halt the virulent advancement of the virus in your body.
Beyond this, please take the facemask and sanitiser things seriously. Anywhere you go, please have it on. Have your sanitiser in your pocket. Be careful with touching surfaces. Tell your children to be careful. While the children have strong immunity that could save them, you the baba and mama have done orishirishi with your bodies that have compromised your immunity.
Also, do all you can to boost your immune system with all these garlic, lemon, ginger, dogonyaro, etc. If you visit my kitchen now, you will think I am a Babalawo. Please don’t take this for a joke. We, however, give God the glory that there is now a vaccine, but when will it get to Nigeria?
Shame on you Covid 19, we have defeated you. Some of us did not wait for the vaccine. We have the blood and the flesh as our eternal vaccine. If you are not qualified for the flesh and blood, (even if you are qualified) please take your sanitation seriously.
Good night, my friends.
Good night, The Law!
Opeyemi, take heart.