... How do people become witches? Were they created by God? ... People say there are white and black witches. Are there good witches? ... What are t

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… How do people become witches? Were they created by God?
… People say there are white and black witches. Are there good witches?
… What are the signs of knowing the presence of witches in a Church?
How can a Christian combat witch in sleep and real life?

One of the prophets whom God has given the power to understand, withstand and expose the secrets and workings of the kingdom of darkness is Prophet A.T. Williams, General Overseer, God of Glory Christian Church, Ketu, Lagos, Nigeria. In this interview, he explains in details who witches are, how they come to be, the extent of their powers, their downright powerlessness and how they can be detected and exposed in the Church of God. Below are excerpts from an interview with Bola Adewara, editor E-life.

How do people become witches?
People become witches through rebellion or failure to enter into a relationship with God thereby choosing to seek refuge outside the God of the Bible. Truth is that Satan is the real power behind the rebellion. Men could, therefore, go into witchcraft practices for solace or to perpetrate evil.


Were they created by God?
God (Elohim) created all things, the visible and invisible world for His praise, pleasure and purpose. The holy Bible introduces God to us as the Creator of all things. His sovereignty can make Him use evil occurrences to accomplish good. Romans 8:28. Jesus Christ has sovereignty over all the fallen angels who are in rebellion against God in heaven.


When people get initiated into it, does it happen mistakenly or deliberately?
Witchcraft practices are forbidden to biblical Israel. Witchcraft practices could either be deliberate or unconscious, indirect involvement. It is the practice of gaining control by manipulation of the physical and spiritual world through magic, sorcery, necromancy, and any other diabolical means.


What are the common powers of a witch? What can they do? Are witches mainly wicked?
According to the Holy Bible, power belongs to God. The New Testament (Covenant) through redemption confers authority and power on every believer in Christ. We are to reign and rule the earth to the glory of God. What the witches do is manipulate and perverse the works of God.

These could be through magic, metaphysics, sorcery, trickery, enchantment or divination; just to gain control of the physical and spiritual world and the people. They move around, looking for what to steal, to kill, and to destroy- they perpetrate wickedness, evil, pain, disaster, sorrow. If given any opportunity, witches can cause great havoc. That is why the Bible admonishes that we should not be ignorant of their tactics and gimmicks and never give them a license to operate.


Are there different types of witches? Some people say there White witches (Aje funfun) black witches (aje dudu). Is this true? Are all witches wicked?
The kingdom of darkness where Satan rules is a kingdom that has many members with different roles and modes of operations. Witches are also card-carrying members of this kingdom known only for wickedness. They hate anything about God, His Kingdom, and His people. They destroy destiny, virtue and glory.

There are no friendly or benevolent witches because they are fallen angels (demons), inspired by Satan to cause set back or destruction (Revelation 12:12-13). God is benevolence by nature and essence (full of love, mercy, and compassion), while Satan is malevolence by nature (full of wickedness and destructive).


What are the signs of knowing the presence of witches in a Church?
Witchcraft is primarily interested in making a Church and her people spiritually dead. Some of the signs of knowing the presence of witches in a Church include:

1. Scarcity of sound biblical teaching. Where sound biblical teaching is relegated to the background, witches will have a free day to operate. Jesus specifically told Peter three times to make sure he nurture adequately the people he died for with the word of life.

2. Worldliness and materialism

3.  Leadership crises: Power struggle, unresolved conflict, and agitations (Acts 15:36-40). High rate of divorce/separation, Rebellion to the Church authority, Lack of clear vision. No vision, no direction. When the Church is no more purpose-driven or Christ-centered.

4. When the fire of prayer is gone

5. Immoralities and corruption: Absence of love and unity. Strange ailments or frequent death.


What agents do witches use to do their work?
Any careless believer could become a yielded vessel to witchcraft. This is the sin of the Laodicean Church.
A backslider in the heart could be an available hand. When the fire and zeal to serve and obey God is gone, anything can happen.
When the counsel of men speaks louder and more esteemed than the counsel of GOD, witchcraft manipulation is at work: A wrong person in leadership could lead to disaster. A greedy and selfish person in leadership is a good agent in the hand of Satan.


How can a Christian combat witch in sleep and real life?
Every believer in Christ has the authority and power to put witches to where they rightly belong-under our feet. Your day and night are well secured when you make the Name of the LORD your dwelling place. Therefore, exercise your dominion right as a member of the Kingdom of God on earth.

Use the Name of Jesus, the Blood of Jesus and the written Word of God to expel Satan and his cohorts and their works in and around your domain.


How can one know if she has been initiated into it because some people are initiated unknowingly?
He that is born of the Spirit of God and walking by the Spirit of God cannot be possessed by unclean spirits (demons)-John 3:6.

However, look out for the following signs: if you have lost your first love in Christ – the joy of salvation, lack of zeal for the things of the Kingdom of God, inconsistent prayer and fasting life, lack of interest in studying the word of God, forsaking the assembly of believers for fellowship, and their likes.

In case you are in any of these situations now, there is hope for you. Go back to ‘Bethel’ to meet with the LORD for reconciliation. Go on your knees for the prayer of spiritual cleansing and repentance. Confess the Lordship of Jesus Christ and renounce every witchcraft activities influencing your life and destiny. If you are in Christ and He is in you, and you walk in the dominion of your kingdom mandate, witchcraft forces are bound to flee from your territory.

Should Christians be scared of witches? How can a Christian deal with witches?
Members of the Body of Christ (Church) are not to be scared of witches and their activities. Instead, they are to be scared of us. Jesus Christ triumphed over Satan and all his activities on the cross at Calvary, and this victory has been given to us. We are special people and we are to be Christ ambassadors here on earth.

Beloved in Christ, go forth and exercise and establish your dominion mandate anywhere you are with joy and gladness.

A believer in Christ is expected to deal with witches with adequate knowledge and understanding of the Scripture (2 Corinthians 10:3-6). If not, they could manipulate the Word of God in other to confuse you. Learn and follow Jesus’ approach when the tempter came to cause deceit.

You must be a person of “It is written”, or “The Bible says” to live and enjoy your dominion mandate on earth by faith. Live a life of prayer and fasting. Your fellowship with God on your prayer altar will help to subdue the works of the flesh and also help your spirit to be revived and receptive to the Holy Spirit.

Your spiritual fire will always be sustained by holy living and persistent prayer. Therefore, like Elijah of the Bible, repair your prayer altar and sustain the pure fire on it.