This verse, Ephesians 1:17-18 freaks me always. ... that God... may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of
“Father, I pray that You open the eyes of my understanding, that I may know Your will and purposes for my life. Give me spiritual wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You.”
“Lord, open my eyes to the truth of Your Word. Help me to see clearly what You have spoken over my life and enable me to understand the depths of Your love and grace.”
“God, I ask that You enlighten the eyes of my heart, so that I may see beyond the physical and perceive the spiritual realities of Your kingdom.”
“Heavenly Father, grant me the discernment to understand the times and seasons, and to recognize Your hand at work in my life and the world around me.”

Eyes of your understanding being enlightened
“Lord, I ask for the eyes of my understanding to be opened, so that I may grow in a deeper, more intimate knowledge of Christ, and comprehend the hope of His calling in my life.”
“Father, open my spiritual eyes to clearly see the path You have laid before me. Grant me wisdom and understanding in every decision I make.”
“God, may my spiritual eyes be opened to see the vision and purpose You have designed for my life. Help me to walk in alignment with Your plans and purposes.”
“Lord, open the eyes of my understanding to break through any barriers of ignorance or misunderstanding. Give me clarity and insight in every situation I face.”
“Father, as the eyes of my understanding are opened, may I grow in spiritual maturity and become more like Christ in every area of my life.”