NO ONE DESERVES TO BE HURT! Being hurt is not a pleasant feeling – Austine Alex Emiola

NO ONE DESERVES TO BE HURT! Being hurt is not a pleasant feeling – Austine Alex Emiola

A couple came for counselling and the woman said the husband should be man enough to accept whatever she says because the husband is a man. I asked wh


A couple came for counselling and the woman said the husband should be man enough to accept whatever she says because the husband is a man. I asked what the matter was and the man said “She lied and disgraced me in the Church Congregation”. What was the lie? “She said everyone in my family is a psychiatric patient and that my own had started”. I asked how true it was. The wife said and I quote… “No one is mad in his family but I purposely said it to make him feel pain because he couldn’t give me and my kids Sunday Service offering”.


“You are a man of course and you are supposed not to be hurt”. Really? Because the man has petrol or kerosene running his veins right? Is he made without blood and feelings?

Please no one deserves to be hurt.


You are my wife and you can’t tell me that you are too tired to give it to me always. Like seriously! Oh! So she is a machine, robot or what? She deserves to be treated well.

No one deserves to be hurt.


No human is more human than another human being. We are all human. There’s nothing that makes a gender created for insult and abuse.


If you are hurt by what another person is doing, it shows your humanity. And if what you are doing is hurting the other person, it shows you are also human.

Just remember, no one deserves to be hurt.


The fact that I refuse to complain or retaliate doesn’t mean I deserve the hurt and pain. It just for Love’s sake.

However, don’t forget there is a limit to everything.


If the goat gets pursued to the wall, it will turn back-facing the pursuer. This shows that for every action, there is always an opposite reaction.

No one deserves to be hurt.


“First to do, no dey pain” goes our school playful cliché. Either you like it or not, whatsoever you are dishing out to your partner, will consciously or unconsciously return to you. It is a law of sowing and reaping.


Some females had experience molestation of all sorts and it is noised around. A lot got justice while some haven’t.

They don’t deserve the hurt.


Sadly, on the other hand, an unnoticeable large number of males had been molested, harassed by both male and female predators. These guys have no one to tell. They may not be taken seriously in the first place. So, they kept mute as they deserve it. Some of them resolve to suicide. No! No! No!

No one deserves to be hurt.


Our society had configured us that only the feminine tears get attention while the males must be quiet and suffer insult and pain within. No wonder, many males cannot have a good home because the hurt kept inside for many years refused to heal.


A man beat up his wife after 20 years in marriage and his only excuse was that the woman hurt him when they were courting and the memory refused to go away because she refused to apologize and settled it.

No one deserves to be hurt.


Some women refused to trust and respect their husbands because the man deliberately hurt them and refused to say “I’m sorry”. For years it has disturbed their home.

No one deserves to be hurt.


Are you not a man- you are supposed to endure it.

Are you not a woman, you are supposed to take it.

Please stop talking down on him, stop talking down on her.


You think only the man should say “I love you” “I missed you”. And you as a woman need to be quiet and looking?

Please it’s not like that.

You are both in the relationship remember?

No one is here to be only on the receiving end.

No one is created to take the hurts, please.


“I’m sorry” is one of the MAGICAL statements needed in a relationship and marriage which should come from both of you because none of you is iron-made.


It is time we stopped the misconception.

Everyone deserves to be happy and not to be sad.


If you can’t make him better than you met him, please break up.

And if you can’t make her happier than you met her, please release her today.

Don’t forget; no one deserves to be hurt!


If you can’t accept it, don’t do it to him. And if you can’t take it, please don’t give it to her.


Jesus said, “Do unto others, what you want them to do unto you- it is the Law!” Matthew 7:12


Your marriage will happen joyfully in Jesus name.


I pray you will not be a bully and you will not marry a bully in Jesus name.


I love you.


© Dr Austine Alex Emiola 2021
Love Coach