What has been your experience with the taking to Church of electronic gadgets like iPad, phones, etc.? Those who do say * it assists them to open and


in churchWhat has been your experience with the taking to Church of electronic gadgets like iPad, phones, etc.? Those who do say
* it assists them to open and locate Bible books and verses faster that using the hard-copy Bible
* it is not such a load taking to Church like the hard-copy Bible.
Some people speak against the use of it in Churches saying it’s always a source of distraction as so many people using it are found to be taking selfies, updating their social media, etc rather than concentrate on the service.

On personal note, what is your take?
* Do you prefer the Bible on electronic gadgets to your good old hard-copy Bible?
* Has the use of gadgets made Christians better and faster in opening their Bible passages in Churches?
* Do you see it as a distraction in Churches?
* Should it be encouraged or discouraged in Churches?
* Is there any advantage/disadvantage in using them in the Church?
Elifeonline speaks to a number of people across Nigeria. Ghana, Zambia, South Africa, Unites States and Europe. Excerpts from the online Interviews.


 ezra * Do you prefer the Bible on electronic gadgets to your good old hard-copy Bible?
Answer: The Bible says, there is time for everything. When one is in Church, there is nothing more captivating like carrying a hard copy Bible, opening it, searching the Scriptures as they are quoted during the preaching, taking notes and underlining important points or writing down the things you believe that GOD is saying to you through the sermon. While, I use electronic Bible extensively, I will caution believers on using it exclusively because you can lose the joy of being able to know exactly where the books are located in the Bible and the forming of a special bond with the Word of GOD, the Bible.
* Has the use of gadgets made Christians better and faster in Churches?
The issue of better and faster here is funny because the developed world has better and faster technologies but more stress and problems in their lives, Churches, schools and families. A solid relationship with GOD requires investing time and worshipping and respecting GOD. Technology has its place and benefits, but spending time and cracking open your Bible and studying it for hours is where people learn principles that can positively impact their lives. It can be a very serious point of distraction for someone who is undisciplined. For example, there are temptations to do postings, check messages, check emails, text and reply messages, etc. Now, for someone who is genuine, they can turn off their Internet and use their iPad to take notes.
* Should it be encouraged or discouraged in Churches?
 It depends. I think that pastors should do a Bible study in their Churches on Reverencing the Temple. A solid Scripture based study on the right and wrong attitudes in GOD’S Presence should help people act accordingly.
* Is there any advantage/disadvantage in using them in the Church?
There are several personal disadvantages for inappropriately using electronics and engaging in social media while GOD is talking to the person via his/her preacher. The only advantage I see in using electronics is after preaching, praise and worship has concluded. Here people can use it to take pictures. etc. In my opinion, I will suggest to turn off electronics and focus on worshiping GOD, opening your Bible and taking notes of what HE tells you in the Church service. This will make a big difference in the quality of your relationship with GOD and in your personal growth.
Prof. Ezra Aniebue,
Global President, African Pastors Network, whoiswhonigeria.
Dallas USA.
 Segun akanbi I prefer the electronic gadgets to the hardcopy Bible because there is nothing I have done on my hard copy Bible that I couldn’t do on my iPad etc. Is it marking some preferred scriptures or just name it. But further is that your electronic gadget can read scriptures to you, it can remind you of daily Bible passage you want to send to someone, you can have different translation together at the same time on the same page. So many things.

* Has the use of gadgets make Christians better and faster in Churches?
This question is a technical one that it will take a psychometric/ battery test to be able to ascertain whether the variables mentioned have significant relationship with the use of those gadgets in Church but I think it does most probably among the elderly and the matured. Now I have just mentioned two other variables (elderly & matured) which I believe it’s not a function of age. I mean to the spiritually matured it had made them better Christians and also faster in locating scriptures. No longer going to the concordance at the back of the Bible but just type what’s on your mind and you have options you can pick from.

* Do you see it as a distraction in Churches?
Just as I have noted earlier, I won’t agree that it’s a distraction until a proper research is done. The kind of questions you posed to us here can never get you the true picture of the situation simply because am into research in academic field (I say it with humility) I know, there are tendencies for people to judge right or wrong and even for some to lie. But when some psychometric prepared questioneers are given to people, they will respond well and truthfully without even knowing which when analyzed and evaluated will give us the right information and how to solve any inherent problem. But as a layman, it’s not a distraction but a blessing. All the same it’s a distraction for the immature.

* Should it be encouraged or discouraged in Churches?
Discouraging it is taking us back to the days of William Wilberforce. It should be encouraged and improved on.

Pastor Segun Akanbi.
Eleos Word Outreach Ministries, Ibadan.

 odusanya Personally l prefer my old Bible to the gadgets. I personally write on my Bible when am reading and the Rhema Word comes to me. With ipad or phone it’s not possible.
It’s obvious that the electronic gadgets could be better but for me l like the fellowship between Holy Spirit as it comes from holding the hardcopy that I read. The ipad makes a lazy study of the word.Do l see it as a distraction? Differently yes. Some use it during service to surf the Internet instead of concentrating on the sermon at hand.Should it be discouraged? It depends on the Church policy and the minister’s decision. If it is becoming a distraction yes, it should be banned. If not, no.Is there any advantages of using them? Yes and no. Yes it could be faster. No, if its taking the place of being a student of the Word which says study to show yourself approved.

Magareth Odusanya,

 Stephen Ifeoluwa Adelani-Ojo As good as the use of electronic gadgets such as cellphones in Churches may seem, it’s quite saddening that many of those fond of doing this give somewhat flimsy excuses as to why they do so – the Bible is not as portable as gadgets, I forgot my Bible at home, etc.
I occasionally use my cellphone while the service is on. At times, I might wish to check what the scripture says in a Bible version different from the Bible I took to Church. I do use the Hymnal Application on my phone whenever the hardcopy hymnals are not ‘circulated’ or the hymn to be sung is alien to the Hymnal. However, one needs to ensure the cellphone is on silent and Airplane mode to avoid distractions.
In a nutshell, my take is that electronic gadgets should not be a substitute for the Bible.
Stephen Ifeoluwa Adelani-Ojo,
Student, OAU Ile-Ife.
 bello I prefer the hard cover because it is The Holy Bible. The iPad or other electronic devices can crash suddenly but the holy Book cannot crash. You can use it for years.
Through the electronic device, you can quickly pass info about the gospel or give assignment to Church members. Only born again Christians can use it successfully and still retain their salvation. So many so called Christians use the same gadget (even though the Holy Bible is in it) to commit fraud and perpetuate immorality at the highest and reckless level.
It is a serious detraction most especially in developing nations where poverty still limit access to technology. In fact so many people in Church will be looking at you with envy sometimes when you are using it. It causes a lot of detraction. In advance countries it may not be so. It should be discouraged.
The only advantage is that you can use it to disseminate info. Limit it to that level not to use it when the message is going on to detract the attention of people.
Fati Bello,
Ketu Lagos.
 frances Taking the hard copy version of the Bible to Church was something I was taught to do once I became a believer. Carrying a Bible served many purposes then. For one, it announced to all and sundry who saw you with it that you were a Christian. Because of that, you felt something like an obligation to not live any kind of life that will be contrary to what the Bible preaches since everyone will still be watching you once you put the book down after Sunday and you will be termed as a hypocrite if you failed to live up to what you followed. It also gave ministers the opportunity to identify people that were really serious about the Christian faith.

Today, the electronic version of the Bible and other Christian materials have been introduced. I would say that it has really helped a lot. The Bible in this form is more portable and can be studied very discreetly even during your free time at work.
In spite of all the advantages, advocates of the electronic Bible crow about it, I am beginning to personally dislike the idea of taking that alone to Church while neglecting the hard copy. Although it makes for better and faster searches, from experience I have realized that it can distract an individual a lot in Church. You may be tempted even during Church services to go onto the social media even as Church service is going on though that may not have been your initial intention. If your electronic Bible happens to be on your phone, there is no way you can easily ignore a message alert or a call that comes while you are reading the Bible. Sometimes, you may think that message is important only for you to open it and find something that can quench your spirit and bring your fire down no matter the level to which you might have zoomed to.
And another think to consider is how long the power level of your device can sustain itself while you are in Church. What if it goes down or your whole device goes off completely and properly you are the preacher that day? How do you minister if there is no hard copy around. If I am to go the way of the conspiracy theorists then I will ask, what if a day comes and there are no hard copy Bibles and you cannot access electronic devices too, how will the Gospel be preached? Think about this. I believe the world is moving forward and we must applaud new inventions and update ourselves in all things so we do become archaic but there are certain old practices that should still be upheld and one of them should be the taking of hard copy Bible to Church. The electronic ones will do for other days.

Frances Hagan,
Teacher, Ghana.

 Omoniyi Abayomi Oladokun Personally I don’t like the Bible on electronic gadgets as its being used to replace the good old hardcopy Bible. People take it to church for the portability while others to show off.
I always ask people who bring it to Church, that if the pastor asked you to hold your Bible and pray facing the east, west or south what will you raise? Your tabs or your Phones? None of them could give me a reasonable response.I do not agree with the fact that it makes Christians better just because it makes searching through the Bible easier. I think it makes most Christians even lazier because most of them do not know how to search for different books because they do not read the Bible. It is definitely a source of distraction nowadays because you find some Christians on the social media even when the service is on. Some even taking selfies. Largely. The use of these gadgets has become showmanship depending on how expensive they are. I support that it should be discouraged if possible.
Omoniyi Abayomi Oladokun,
Banker/ Internet Marketer,

Lagos Ibadan Expressway, Arepo, Ogun state.
 rele  I prefer my electronic Bible for the following reasons:
1) it is more portable – with age I find it difficult to read small prints so i read large print Bible which is very bulky.
2) Easy access to several versions – I can read different versions of the same passage at once which is not possible with d hard copy. Or how many Bibles would I take to Church at once.
3) It is easier to reach passages than turning pages of d hard copy. As to it causing distraction or chatting while service is ongoing, I simply put my phone/tab in flight mode while in d Church. And of course it is gross indiscipline for anyone to be taking selfies during service.
Adenrele Abolanle Afolorunso,
NOUN, Lagos
 adetoro  First my brother, this race of worshipping God is that of an individual. The question we may ask first is, is there any difference between the hard copy Bible and that of electronic gadgets, No.
We need to understand that the world is dynamic, it involves and it is moving forward every day. There are so many of us that take advantage of electronic gadgets to read our Bible constantly and regularly. Sometimes when you see me with my phone sometimes, i am reading my Bible. And many occasions, it gives me the opportunity to do more research on them on the Word than reading the regular Bible.
Yes, some people take advantage of that in the Church to browse than following the teaching while it is always faster for some of us to follow the teaching. These days, Pastors enjoy using electronic gadgets than the real Bible. Like i said, the race is that of individuals. Whatever you use does not matter, applications of what you use is the issue.
Babatunde Adetoro,

Journalist, Lagos Nigeria.
 Grace Adekanmi As a member of The Apostolic Church, one of our rules of conducts maintains that: enter reverently, pray fervently, listen attentively, give praise from a grateful heart and worship God in the beauty of His holiness. Therefore, whoever wants to obey these will definitely switch off the gadgets.
For me, I prefer the hardcopy Bible, in fact I can’t study the apps Bible because to me I don’t feel satisfied spiritually and to meditate is always uneasy. Phones also distract. Imagine different ringing tones during service. It is disrespectful to God and man to hear ring tones during service in the Church.
Remember, God is not an author of confusion and also He warns us not to join multitudes to do evil. Going to Church with phones to read Bible passages does not give honour to God. Don’t forget that the Bible we are talking about is a weapon, can iPad be used as a weapon?
Grace Adekanmi,
Teacher, Gbagada, Lagos.
 glory Ogamba First everything that has advantage always come with disadvantage. I still prefer my hardcopy Bible when going to Sunday service. It makes me to concentrate better while preaching is on.  I can permit the usage of the gadget for mid-week service because then you have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with one another thereby making reference to other writers and opinion in the Bible. But Sunday service, I will say NO.
The usage has helped people lose concentration in Church. Most people go on Facebook, Whatsapp, do all sorts of things during service with this the gadgets. So for me is a NO NO NO! It is a distraction. Apart from the preacher who needs it for references, it should be discouraged
Glory Olaocha Ogamba,
Gbagada, Lagos.
 brenda 2 It’s so sad that we have all sorts of “Bible” in the “air” and not in the minds. In those days the only available Bible is the hardcopy in various sizes. People knew the Bible and live by its instructions. People had more of its verses memorized. People who carried were not ashamed of carrying it. Today the devil has deceived many into thinking the electronic Bible is more convenient. They claim it’s more usable.
Most of those who use the electronic device are so arrogant and undermine that service is on. It’s becoming more of a competition as each one flaunts it to see whose is more sophisticated and more up to date.
Ironically pastors are more guilty, they use Ipads, laptops etc in their sermons. I see this as spiritual laziness or spiritual mediocrity. “See me sef don update syndrome” whom are we showing off to? Men or God who created and also gave us wisdom to invent these devices?
In my area, I don’t allow my pastors to use them in Church
It may please you to know that I also Google some facts to add to my sermon because they provide great assistance but I always go back to the basics.
Brenda Ademoroti,
Pastor, RCCG.
 Kathy Etim-Bassey The Scriptures reiterates that everything should be done orderly. Both the hardcopy and the softcopy versions of the Bible should serve one purpose: TO READ AND STUDY THE SCRIPTURES. That should register in the mind of anyone who calls himself/herself a Christian, especially when in the Church. Everything created by God and man is with an intention, for a purpose, and whenever the purpose of a thing is not known or strictly followed, abuse is inevitable. The simplest answer to give for those who go to Church, holding their IPADs, tablets and phones with Bibles in it and using them for different purposes, especially while in service is an ABUSE. It shows a high level of disrespect for God and lack of discipline too.
The abnormal use of these items, however have not erased the original multitasking purposes of these gadgets, as was in the minds of the manufacturer. All that need to be done is to address the menace and correct it. The purpose of the Scriptures itself is for rebuke, reproof, correction and instructions. 2Timothy 3:16. The Bible itself is loaded and anointed to correct this menace, if its rightly taught. Before a safe conclusion can be made whether to speak for or against the use of these gadgets in Churches, opinions must also be sampled round Churches around the globe too. We can’t use the observations made in an aspect of the globe, for example Nigeria, to conclude. Such acts may not be practised in other Churches, in other parts of the globe.On a personal note, I do not particularly have preference over one than the other, as I use both, either for studying, or preaching but sometimes for easier access, I use the electronic gadget.
2. Has the use of gadgets made Christians better and faster in Churches?
For a Christian who is familiar with his/her Bible and where the books of the Bible are, opening the Bible should not be a burden. In fact, it’s the one who is not familiar with the hardcopy version of the Bible that the gadgets help more: it’s easier and faster to open for them.
3. Do you see it as a distraction in Churches?
With the illustration given above, if the purpose is strictly adhered to, and not being abused, it is not a distraction at all. I suggest its proper use should be encouraged and its abnormal use discouraged, especially in Churches. The youths especially should be properly taught and trained. Disciplinary measures should be introduced to curb misuse.
In conclusion, we can see from the illustrations given that the use of the gadgets have its advantages, while the disadvantages can be minimized if measures are taken to extremities and abuse under proper check. Thank you.Nike Etim-Bassey
Publisher, Aglow Magazine
Visioner, Light Aglow Women Ministry.
 KoLADEMI oSEAYO For me, it’s a way of retaining the uniqueness of the Holy Bible. People normally have everything on a portable electronic gadget; things like ungodly films, musics , sms , e-mails and bundles of worldly applications and softwares and it’s on the same gadget they have the Holy Bible. I think it detracts from the “Set Apart “nature of the Holy Bible.

It really helps to eliminate some temptation factors. Imagine a facebook or twitter pop-up during a message or an urgent sms message alert coming in during an important prayer session. ( This may probably be the reason why telephone sets and other gadgets are not permitted in mosques )
I think that electronic gadgets could be very useful in various ways but it’s usage in the Church has more disadvantages more than advantages. At times, people are in the Church but are not really present. When the pastor is preaching, some are busy chatting on what’s up or messenger, some are responding to emails and surprisingly enough, some are busy playing games. The use of these gadgets has not really make Christians to be better or faster .it has encouraged some perverseness of the mind and spirit.

Though, it may not be easy to stop the use of these gadgets in the Churches because of people’s excessive attachments to it but In order to avoid unnecessary electronic confusions and distractions in Churches, it’s expedient that the dangers in uncontrolled or undisciplined use of electronic gadgets be taught constantly and with time people will go back to the use of hard copy Bible.

Kolademi oseayo Olurotimi.
Missionary Bamako, Republic of Mali .

 Bola Akande  1. I will say both have their advantages and disadvantages. I use the soft copy more but I really will want to use the hard more. Good old fashion is my preference
2. Soft copy definitely is faster and easier but I think it’s breeding lazy Christians. I used to search the footnotes and concordance when reading the hard copy looking things up while I memories the verses, I believe the process help me to remember the scriptures more having put efforts into my searches. I have not been doing that now as soft copy is a quick search and I believe I forget my searches easily but of course i can always go back to a quick search when needed which I do not really fancy.
3. Yes it can be a distraction especially when people do not use it with care. I have Sent text during service, browsing when I shouldn’t which of course could have waited if i do not have the facilities with which to do it. Years ago when we did not use gadget you endure a boring uninspiring sermons whereas this days you switch if you are not interested in what the preachers saying.
4. I think discouraging it should be done by educating people. We should make informed decisions, if you are a mature Christian you should know it can distract you. So you need to discipline yourself to keep away from it. Especially do not take it with you when going to Church. Even outside of Church people generally needs to discipline themselves on the use of gadgets and Internet. Like I said earlier it has its advantages which is the ease and portability you mentioned but I think the disadvantages outweighs the advantages when the user is not careful with the use. I personally do without the use of it whenever I think it’s taking over my life, put it aside for few days and live my life as before it existed. I think younger people or (Christians) should be educated about the possibilities of gadgets becoming a snare to their Christian life. So that everyone can use it responsibly. I like gadgets but should used with caution.
Bola Akande,
Film maker, UK.
 Moji Awaye Different ways of seeing things… both have their advantages and disadvantages…
Oddly, the electronic gadgets are more compact and easy to carry than the hard copy Bible. You can easily locate chapters and verses than the hard copy Bible.
But one disadvantage is that you may be tempted to open the social media while the service is on. The hard copy old Bible makes you study more. You can underline verses and go back to it.
For me, it depends on the individual handling these two and the discipline you attach to them. Even if pastors preach against this modern equipment, we still have our choices on what is best and convenient for the individual.
Moji Awaye,
Insurance Executive, Lagos.
 Babatunde Bola My experience is that people don’t tend to pay attention in Church. So many of them are lost while handling them when the service is on. But in my opinion, such gadgets have more advantages. I still prefer the use of gadgets in Churches. It makes locating and reading of the Bible easier than the hard-copy Bible. It has made Christians faster though not better

I don’t see it as a distraction per-see… But I think most of the people involved in pinging, taking selfies and other things in Church should be checked because I see no reason for that in the presence of the Most High God.

The use should not be discouraged in the Church at all but the Church should try to make people understand that they are in the presence of God.

Babatunde Bola,
Educationist, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria.


 Ibukun Adewara To use a gadget in the Church, you must be mature with it. An adult who knows what is right and if you don’t as an adult, its pathetic then.
If I am an adult and I go to Church with my gadget and I am surfing the Internet instead of listening and doing the needful, I think I should be left alone to make my choice of what is best for me. It should not be stopped but maybe some truthful talks to be said and leave everyone to their choices on this matter.
Ibukun Adewara,
 Abimbola Olayemi Ajiniran * It not really faster than the manual way of locating Bible chapters and verses
* It is also a load carrying these gadgets of various sizes to Church.
* I am definitely against the use of such gadgets because they serve as a source of distraction. The use of these gadgets to take selfies and pictures in Church is also condemnable. For a fact, it is a distraction. It also distracts many people from concentrating on the sermon.
* On a personal note, I prefer the hard copy Bible.
* The use of these gadgets has not made worshipers better Christians. It had simply bred a class of high-tech posers in Church.
* It is more of a distraction than an advantage and should be discouraged for now in Churches.
* For now, there is no advantage in using these gadgets in Church.
Abimbola Olayemi Ajiniran,
Lagos Nigeria.
 Opeyemi Shogaolu Afolabi Personally, I don’t see any thing wrong. I carry both to Church. It allows me to get to the required reading faster than when I want to open the Bible but I read directly from the Bible on the altar.
I don’t prefer it to the Bible but it only allows one to follow up the readings faster than when you check from the Bible.
I don’t see it as a distraction because we are in a world of technology. Everybody has a phone, so it could be encouraged but not all can afford the ones with the facility.
One of the advantages is that one gets more involved to the readings in Church faster and better to the Bible.
The disadvantage is that it makes one lazy and those that don’t have will feel left out. e.g a particular guy in my Church is always the first to read while others are still finding the selected readings and you wonder if he was the only one in Church.
Teacher, Lagos.
 tolulope * It not really faster than the manual way of locating Bible chapters and verses
* It is also a load carrying these gadgets of various sizes to Church
* I am definitely against the use of such gadgets because they serve as a source of distraction . The use of these gadgets to take selfies and pictures in Church is also condemnable. For a fact, it is a distraction. It also distracts many people from concentrating on the sermon.
* On a personal note, I prefer the hard copy Bible.
* The use of these gadgets has not made worshipers better Christians. It had simply bred a class of high-tech posers in Church.* yes, it is more of a distraction than an advantage and should be discouraged for now in Churches.
As for my preference, i can’t say i have one because i go to church with both hard copy bible and my tablet which has soft-copy too but sometimes i don’t have cause to open both because the scriptures referred to by the pastor is displayed on the screen.I don’t understand the use of gadgets making Christians better but for opening of scriptures,it can be faster because once the application opens, you can select the book and the chapter It can be a distraction sometimes, especially when it vibrates and you are curious to know of its a facebook message or whatsapp message or a mail. So it still depends on personal discipline.It should be encouraged for a congregation that is disciplined and knows that chatting during services is dishonouring God. If the congregation can overcome distractions, then no problem.Advantages are you have access to different versions of the bible and it is readily accessible.
The disadvantages are it causes distraction. It causes laziness with the excuse of not taking hardcopy to church because it is heavy.
Awofolaju Tolulope,
Engineer, Osogbo, Osun state, Nigeria.
 ogbaji * Do you prefer the bible on electronic gadgets to your good old hardcopy bible?
Yes, because the whole bible can be searched in a glance.

* Has the use of gadgets make Christians better and faster in churches?

YES. One can search bible concordance and have cross translation of other bible in a glance. Words such as SALVATION, PROSPERITY, REVIVAL etc can be identified with their passages in the bible using gadgets.* Do you see it as a distraction in Churches?
YES and NO. Like it is said, when purpose is not known abuse is inevitable. Quite a number of people will be distracted but a large other folks who know the value will never get distracted by those who abuse gadget or by themselves.

* Should it be encouraged or discouraged in Churches?
IT SHOULD BE ENCOURAGE as well as SENSITIZED about. The pastor of a church could do a special teaching on the value and disvalue of gadget during a service. Dramas or play-let could be acted to this regard to sensitize the congregants. This online magazine could also serve as a means of sensitization.

* Is there any advantage/disadvantage in using them in the church?
YES! there are advantages as well as disadvantages

1. The whole bible can be searched through search engines at once through electronic gadgets that may not be possible with the hard-copy.
2. Other translations of the bible plus dictionary can be carried in one electronic gadget.
3. NOTE PAD and RECORD software are all embedded in some gadget. You could record and documents sermons for subsequent use.
4. Scheduling of daily bible reading plans are made easy with electronic gadgets.
5. With Electronic gadget, you can be live online with someone who is not in service, translating from your device for such a person (this is call live streaming which is done in many churches today even though some consider it wrong).
1. Charting (online browsing) during service by indiscipline folks.
2. Taking of selfies and looking of saved pictures rather than opening bibles or concentrating on the sermon during service.
3. Sending and receiving of pictures from friends during service.
4. Listening to saved songs and other audios during service.
5. Comparing and unhealthy analysis of messages leading to gisting with friends.James O. Ogbaji,
Apostle of Drama by the Word@TATiMFamilyPavilionLafia.

 osuolale Electronic gadgets which includes phones, ipad and others are good technological development which can be deployed to carry out so many functions at the same time.
It makes accessing various version faster and easier but produced a lazy christian who do not know how the Bible books follows.
It makes most Christians to hide their symbol and emblem by carrying bible electronically. Hard copy Bibles should be used along with the electronic one
Inability to have a disciplined mind to handle these electronic gadgets leads to abuse and distractions.
The health implications is negatively affecting both old and young.
It can be encouraged with caution
It carries with it both advantages and disadvantages
Getting information quicker
Connection with the network
Working with more smaller electronic and so on
It is a source of wasting precious time.
It makes people to loose concentration if addicted to it
Eye and neck back bone is affected by long use of these devices
It should be discouraged to give honor to God and have an hallowed service
Pastor Osuolale Olatunde,
CAC Canaanland, Igando, Lagos.
 Kola Ojeniran Adex The Bible was first written on Tablets of stone, then into a parchment, reed, animal skin and to papers on many shapes and thickness. All this happened in their time according to God’s timing. And now we have Bible in softcopy. Thank God for technology.
However, in as much as I appreciate technology, yet I cannot do without my old hardcopy Bible. I better forget my iPad or phone than to forget my old hardcopy Bible when going to Church or any believers gathering. I cannot do without my 1930 version Bible. Christianity as a way of life is a matter of relationship. It is a matter of heart. In as much as we can enhance our Bible studies with the electronic gadgets, it would amount to vanity without obedience to the instructions in them.
I have come to realize that many of our brethren do not know how to use these gadgets while in the Church. You hear phone ringing, messages alert; some fumbling with this gadgets, selfieing, WhatsApping, etc during service. This they cannot do in a court of law before a judge neither in a palace before a king.
Electronic gadgets makes communication faster within a group like Youth Fellowship in the Church. You don’t need those big tape recorder or giant camera to record and capture images in the Church. Choir groups use it for rehearsal. Chronograph groups, instrumentalists etc, make use of electronic gadgets. Some emergency calls could be placed if the need be in other to safe a situation.
The electronic gadgets is not without it disadvantages. Distraction, both to the phone user and congratulations. One cheats him/herself by fumbling with the gadgets as you would not be able to concentrate when the sermon or prayer goes on. One could become lazy in searching the Scriptures because the electronic gadgets makes it searching each. When the gadgets memory corrupt one may lose all vital information include the various versions of the Bible one downloaded. When there’s energy crisis electronic gadgets may become useless for lack of energy to power it and deprive you of reading your Bible. The devil does not fear electronic gadgets because it contains not only the holy Bible, it equally contains some other unclean things like nude pictures through Facebook and many other filthy dirty work of the devil.
Kola Ojeniran Adex,