JESUS OF NAZARETH ARRESTED, TORTURED, CRUCIFIED – eyewitness reports by Bola Adewara in Golgotha

JESUS OF NAZARETH ARRESTED, TORTURED, CRUCIFIED – eyewitness reports by Bola Adewara in Golgotha

*... arrested at garden of Gethsemane Thursday night ... betrayed by the treasurer of the ministry, Mr. Judas Iscariot … Iron nails, spear, crown of

HAPPY FAMILY CITY … Africa’s first Christian hometown
GIVING TO CHARITY: BETWEEN DAVIDO AND THE CHURCH OF GOD IN NIGERIA Let us be guided in our idle talks – By Bola Adewara

*… arrested at garden of Gethsemane Thursday night
… betrayed by the treasurer of the ministry, Mr. Judas Iscariot
… Iron nails, spear, crown of thorns used on Jesus
*… earthquake, darkness, graves opened, dead saints seen in Jerusalem after crucifixion
*… veil in Synagogue torn, holy of holies exposed to all Church members

Eyewitness report by Bola Adewara in Golgotha, Jerusalem
Jesus of Nazareth who was arrested Thursday night by Roman soldiers has been crucified at Golgotha, a spot outside Jerusalem Friday 9 am.

After agonising for six hours on the cross, he finally gave up the ghost at 3 pm, amidst so many strange signs and wonders never recorded in human history.

He was crucified by some hardhearted Roman soldiers to the delight of the priests, scribes, and Pharisees who mocked him and supervised the torture.

*Jesus of Nazareth arrested by Roman soldiers

*Jesus of Nazareth arrested by Roman soldiers.

Narrating how the crucifixion was done, Mr. John Zebedee, the only disciple of Jesus who witnessed the execution said, “Our master was arrested last night at the garden of Gethsemane right in our presence. He was tried by six kangaroo courts overnight, during which a notorious armed robber called Barabbas was set free in exchange for Him.

“Some of the courts, including that of Pilate, said they found nothing against Him and tried frantically to release him, but the priests and scribes rejected this and sentenced our Master to death by crucifixion. The crucifixion took place at 9 am. Our Master was hung on the cross in untold pain for six hours after which He gave up the ghost at 3 pm Jerusalem time!

“Jesus, according to John, “was made to carry the old rugged cross through Via Dolorosa road to Golgotha outside Jerusalem. At a stage, he was assisted by our brother Simon of Cyrene. Jesus was beaten with horsewhips laced with blades, severely lacerating his body and blood flowed all over Him.

“Lieutenant Piccolo Maldini, the commandant of the Roman soldier at the Bethany Infantry, supervised the crucifixion. At Golgotha, he laid our master on the floor, tore the purple cloth on his body, and the soldiers’ cast lot for it. They dealt mercilessly with Jesus. Iron nails were driven into His two palms, a crown of thorns placed on His head and the people mocked Him, shouting King of the Jews, asking Him to save Himself.

Mr. John Zebedee, the youngest of the 12 disciples, added tearfully that, when the cross was lifted with Jesus on it, He was placed between two thieves that were earlier condemned to death by crucifixion. Jesus who had not spoken much since His trial began said some seven notable words on the cross.

“When He was being mocked and nails driven to this hands, He said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”

“His second speech was when there was an altercation between the two thieves on His right and left. To the thief on the right who asked for pardon, Jesus said, “Today you will be with Me in paradise.”

“His third speech came when His eyes met with His mother standing with me. He said “Woman, behold, thy son!” and to me, He said “Behold, thy mother!” His mother will live with me henceforth.

John added that “at the height of the pain, I heard Him shout, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” In ignorance, a Centurion nearby said He was calling one of our prophets, Elijah to save Him.”
“At a stage, our master, John continued, who had not eaten since after the Last Supper was naturally thirty and He said, “I thirst”.

“As I made an effort to get Him water, one of the ruthless Roman soldiers known for collecting bribes from motorists on the road, gave Him sour wine which He could not drink. The sixth word He uttered was “It is finished”, and some few minutes later, He said, “Father, unto thy hands I commend my spirit.” And He dropped His head in death.

In what amounted to signs and wonders, what has never been seen or recorded in the history of mankind, right in the presence of this reporter, immediately Jesus dropped His head, some strange things happened: there was an earthquake and the sun ran away, casting darkness over the city!

“Panic took over everywhere as the Roman soldiers scampered to safety, making some of them wonder about the deity of Jesus Christ. A centurion was heard saying, “Truly, this is the son of God!”

Another strange occurrence took place in the Synagogue. The veil covering the holy of holies was torn, top to bottom. According to Rabbi Issachar Netanyahu, this has never happened since this Synagogue was built. We are suspecting this veil must have been torn apart by the criminal disciples of Jesus.

“We shall set up a high-powered body to be headed by Retired Justice Haggai Zachariah to investigate this infiltration of the Synagogue and destroying the veil. Anybody caught in this sacrilege shall be severely dealt with, as we dealt with the impostor called Jesus.”

Earlier at the arrest of Jesus at the Garden of Gethsemane, an eyewitness who went with the soldiers said two miracles happened. “When one of the Roman soldiers asked Him if He was the Christ, immediately Jesus said “I am He”, all the soldiers, with their guns and swords fell yakata backward at the power emitted by an ordinary statement, “I am He”!

It can be seen that Jesus willingly gave His life, no one could kill Him. If He wanted to deal with the soldiers or escape from them, He could have done so. All powers belong to Him.

* Darkness over Jerusalem as Jesus gave up the ghost at 3pm after six hours of agony on the cross…

The second miracle, according to the eye witness, happened when one of Jesus disciples drew a dagger and cut off the left ear lobe of one of the soldiers. Jesus immediately warned the disciple not to defend Him for He could call legions of angels to protect himself.

Jesus was said to have picked the lobe from the ground and put it back to the head of the victim who was already in the blood, and it stayed. Immediately, the blood on his body disappeared as if nothing had happened to him.


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    Fola-Bola 4 years ago

    Graphic Bola! More grace to you