JUDAS ISCARIOT IS DEAD, BODY FOUND! –Reports by Bola Adewara in Jerusalem

JUDAS ISCARIOT IS DEAD, BODY FOUND! –Reports by Bola Adewara in Jerusalem

Mr Judas Iscariot, one of the 12 disciples of Jesus of Nazareth, is dead. He was said to have committed suicide shortly after betraying his Master of

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Mr Judas Iscariot, one of the 12 disciples of Jesus of Nazareth, is dead. He was said to have committed suicide shortly after betraying his Master of three years, Jesus Christ of Nazareth who was crucified yesterday.

His body was found some hours ago at the Potters Field, his belly ripped open and all the undigested Isi Ewu he ate last night after he received an alert of thirty pieces of silver, poured out on the ground.

Speaking on this sad development, Rabbi Eli Joshua, a member of the Sanhedrin said, “Mr Judas Iscariot was paid thirty pieces of silver for a job well done.

He assisted us in spying on Jesus, giving us details of his movements, what he eats, where he sleeps in Bethany and identifying him at the Garden of Gethsemane.

‘Without him, it would have been trying for us to nab the criminal called Jesus because nobody knew him. He was not flashy, riding on SUVs like the current leaders of ministries who are so different from their members.

Speaking further, Rabbi Joshua said he was told that on Thursday evening, Iscariot was seen at an ATM near the Synagogue cashing the money he transferred to his account.

But in a sudden twist of fate, Iscariot came to their Chief Scribe, Rabbi Melchi Shamgar with the money to say he has sinned against an innocent man and he came to return the money. Judas Iscariot

“When no one answered him,” Joshua said “he threw the money on the floor and stormed out. I was shocked to hear that he hanged himself just before Jesus was taken to Golgotha for execution.”

Also commenting on the sad twist, Mama Seki, an operator of a beer parlour Iscariot secretly patronises behind Jesus and the 12, said, Iscariot, stormed her beer parlour with his friends, and immediately he collected the money offered to him for the espionage. She added that Iscariot drank Whiskey while his friends drank green bottles.

“Soon, Mama Seki continued, “news got to us here that Jesus was declared innocent by Pilate. He probably thought Jesus would be set free.

This infuriated him. That was how he stood up without paying for the plates of Isi ewu (cow leg) he ate and went to confront the scribes. It was a big surprise to us that he eventually committed suicide.

Early Saturday morning, women passing through Potters field to fetch water at Jacob’s Well raised an alarm after seeing a body dangling from a tree.

The dead body was later identified as Mr Judas Iscariot. Before they got there, the rope snapped, and the body fell, his tummy burst open, intestines spilt out, pouring out the Isi Ewu he was seen eating with his friends at Mama Seki’s beer parlour.

Speaking to E-life on this sad development, the chief priest who credited Judas’ account on Thursday said “Judas came to the synagogue and flung the money at us.

Though we picked up the money, it is against our law to put this into the treasury since it was blood money. So, we decided to use it to buy the potter’s field as a burial place for foreigners. We shall call the place the Field of Blood or Akeldama in our language.”

Meanwhile, the body of Jesus of Nazareth was buried by one Joseph Aramathea and Nicodemus who once approached Jesus by night. He provided some materials for his burial at a specially made tomb.

The Roman soldiers invaded the tomb site, placed a big stone on the monument and rolled another big rock at the gate, to stop his disciples from stealing the body and claiming Jesus rose.

Some soldiers from Bethany Infantry were also seen around the tomb guarding it till the body decomposes.

It would be recalled that Jesus of Nazareth had said He would rise again on the third day. E-life is also around the tomb to see if Jesus would make good His promise on the third day.

Would Jesus rise or not? Would He demolish the temple and rebuild it in three days? Keep a date tomorrow.