HOLY SPIRIT AND THE MISTAKE OF MY LIFE! Story of a Church accountant who took money without permission

HOLY SPIRIT AND THE MISTAKE OF MY LIFE! Story of a Church accountant who took money without permission

This is the confession of a Church accountant. Hard pressed for cash to meet his family needs, he dipped hands into the Church's building account, m

NO ONE DESERVES TO BE HURT! Being hurt is not a pleasant feeling – Austine Alex Emiola

This is the confession of a Church accountant. Hard pressed for cash to meet his family needs, he dipped hands into the Church’s building account, met the need and paid back a week later. He felt he was ok. He only borrowed and have paid back. Not so with the Holy Spirit. Were you permitted to take the money? You went over your boss to use the money. Go and confess to him NOW… Follow the protocols. The Holy Spirit ruled. How many of us have done things without following the right protocols? ‘Little’ sins like this could deny some of us eternal rest! Read the story written by Bola Adewara.

A few days ago, a friend, a Christian told me a story of what happened to him and how the Holy Spirit showed him hell. The story: he is the accountant of his Church and the Church was doing a building project. Some ‘big men’ in the Church and him, sign the cheques but because the ‘big men’ are hard to get on short notice to sign cheques, he was asked to keep some money in his personal account in case the builders need cash urgently.

On a day at home, he needed about 30k to meet his family needs. He was broke, but he had about 120k to collect from his clients the following week. But he had to meet the need of that 30k urgently. The only place he could get money was the Church cash with him. He knows deep in him that it is impossible to for him to steal the Church money. He is a Christian, blood bought, blood covered. He would take the 30k from it and return it next week when he collects his 120k outstanding from his clients.

So he did. He took the money and when he got his money from his client the following week, he returned the 30k to the building account. He was happy. There was no issue. His integrity is intact. I can’t steal Church money. I am not a Christian by mouth. But he was wrong. The Holy Spirit came!

He said he was in his house when he heard the Spirit telling him, ‘Son, you are in error. You took that 30k without the permission of your boss in the Church. Now, you go and tell them that you borrowed from the building account, used it without their permission but you have since returned it.’

My friend said he nearly collapsed. Then he began an argument with the gentle Holy Spirit. “FATHER, I SHOULD GO AND DO WHAT? He said he shouted. “Tell them that I borrowed which money? The money I borrowed for only one week and I have since returned? You want me to open my arse to my boss? A man who has implicit confidence in me, who knows I cannot steal and I have never stolen? Holy Spirit, what is this you are telling me? Leave me o.”

He said for days, Holy Spirit began to worry him. Anywhere he went, the matter would be in his heart, troubling him. Gradually, it became a weight on him and he began to carry it everywhere. He lost his peace and became sad. “Every now and then, I would confront the Holy Spirit in anger that why are you doing this to me? I have paid back this money. I have no intention of stealing any the money. You know that I am your child and I am not a fake. You know me Holy Spirit. Why do you want to expose me to ridicule before my boss? This is a hard nut for me to crack o. I won’t go anywhere!”

“Bola, if you know the Holy Spirit, he is gentle. He would only worry the sons of God. Holy Spirit cannot worry criminals or those who have not given their lives to Christ. One of the tests of who is a Christian is the presence of the Holy Spirit in them. So many people say they are Christians but they fall from one sin to the other and they feel good. If the Holy Spirit does not prick their hearts, they should know they are not Christians indeed. Just Christians by mouth or at best, Church goers.
“The worry continued for days that it got to a stage I couldn’t pray again. Then I realised that I was driving the Holy Spirit away from around me and exposing myself to dangers.

This is the type of petty sins, (small small sins) that kill so many top Christians. They overlook some acts as unimportant. They still think they are in fellowship with God but the Holy Spirit has since gone. That is why the Bible says those who are directed by the Spirit, are the sons of God. That is why Jesus said so many big names in the Church, top Christians, big General Overseers, miracle workers, top evangelists, people we think they sleep and wake with Jesus every day, Jesus said he would push they away and say ‘depart from me, you workers of iniquity, I know you not.’ He said no any uncleanness would enter heaven. People who think God is merciful and God overlooks petty sins should be careful.

“Bola, immediately I heard these things, I quickly picked my phone and called my boss and told him the whole story: what led me to take the money, how long it took with me, how I returned it and how the Holy Spirit descended upon me, how I justified myself that I only borrowed it knowing full well that I can’t steal God’s money.

“My boss then said well, I have done the right thing to have come to confess to him because he was sure the Holy Spirit would deal with me, adding that he knew I would never steal. But next time, I should follow the right protocols, even when we think no one is seeing us. Bola, that was when my peace returned! The burden was suddenly lifted off me.

“Christianity is not what we do in the Church or before men. Christianity is what you do when no one is watching you. I nearly failed that test… but God saved me. If you cannot cope with the demands of the Holy Spirit, don’t call yourself a Christian!”


If you are faced with similar situation, what would you do? Please leave your comments, thoughts or opinions below to encourage other Christians facing similar issues like this.