In this interview, Apostle Dr Ezra Aniebue founder and Chairman of African Pastors Network, (APN) and set man of  Holy Ghost Cathedral, Dallas, United

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In this interview, Apostle Dr Ezra Aniebue founder and Chairman of African Pastors Network, (APN) and set man of  Holy Ghost Cathedral, Dallas, United States, speaks on the year 2015, the challenges facing Nigeria, the attacks on the Christian faith all over the world and what the Lord is telling the Christian world by that. He also speaks on the power of prayers.

power of prayers

In an increasingly difficult world, especially for men, what do you suggest a Christian observe in his preparation for any New Year?
Romans 15:4 and 2 Tim. 3:16 in my paraphrase reveals that the Bible was written to instruct us about GOD and how to live our lives in all situations in a GOD pleasing manner. I will tell every Christian to stick to the basics:

Read your Bible, pray daily, go to church, believe in God, love others, and hold on to God and His Promises. What people think is too elementary is what is needed in this hour. The power of prayers.

Your country Nigeria is facing a strange kind of war with Islamic insurgents: planting of bombs, and suicide bombers all over, such that parts of the country is now under insurgents’ control. Did you ever imagine such a thing can happen in Nigeria?
The Bible in Ecclesiastes states that nothing is new under the sun. This is a global problem that is based on religious ideologies. The issue is that we need to pray to ask GOD to reveal to the younger generation the true nature of GOD.

While I am not political, it is always wrong for the elderly to hide in some safe place while they send out the youths to die for an ideology that has nothing to do with them and their future.

We have seen a series of attacks on the Christian faith all over the world: in Nigeria, Kenya, Syria, Iraq, etc. Should Christian expect worse attacks in the coming year?

The Bible talks about these kinds of things in the last days. Again the main thing is that the youth need to be trained to re-evaluate certain things and see if it fits the true personality of GOD.

In view of all these attacks, are Christians giving an appropriate response to it? What do you think Christians should do as a response to this issue?
Christians and Christian organizations should look to GOD through HIS Bible and the power of prayers to find their answers and respective solutions.

Leading a global organisation like APN, how do you access the Church and Christianity in 2014?
In Colossians 1:18, the Bible says that JESUS CHRIST is preeminent. The Bible is clear that CHRIST had already won all conquest even before the foundation of the world. No matter what year we are in, JESUS CHRIST has the Victory. Philippians 2:9-11.

How would APN get involved in making 2015 a glorious year for the Kingdom?
By HIS GRACE, we plan on expanding our investments in training pastors and leaders around the world.

One of our goals in 2015 is to make the training free for pastors worldwide. We don’t want a lack of money to stop any pastor who wants to learn and grow spiritually.

From your feelers from home, is the Nigerian government giving appropriate attention to issues of the welfare of the people? Are you satisfied with the regime of Goodluck Jonathan?
This is a hard question because I don’t live in Nigeria. Moreover, most of the people that I know in Nigeria are doing well. I am also aware of people in Nigeria who are complaining bitterly.

For me to answer the question fairly, I need an opportunity to review the accomplishments of his regime and compare them with how things were before he came on board.


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The white man is said not to be as religious or devoted to the Christian faith as we do in Africa, yet he is more organised and developed in all ramifications than the African man who does vigil, fasting, and goes to Church every now and then, etc and more devoted to God. Can you reconcile the discrepancy?
The answer is simple, “white people,” practice biblical principles in structuring and organizing their governmental systems.

They love their country and are trained from childhood to be patriotic. Africans generally believe that everything is solved by prayer and fasting.

Yes, God answers prayers; however, every problem is not solved by prayer. Our people need to know the difference between the Person of JESUS CHRIST and the Principles of JESUS CHRIST.

Working actively with pastors all around the world, what have you seen as the major challenge of our preachers around Africa?
I see the problem of selfishness and pride as major challenges to African preachers. Most African preachers preach well, but when you spend more time and observe their personal lives, you will see that some don’t really practice the WORD.

I believe that Africa will change when preachers make more effort to apply the WORD in their lives and congregations.

Ezra2What have you also seen as the major challenge of the congregation around Nigeria?
I believe Nigeria needs to transcend from preaching to more teaching of the Bible. Preaching motivates, but teaching transforms and changes hearts. It is high time for our people to graduate from miracle seekers to genuine Covenant
* Worshippers of the living God.

The average African man thinks the solution to his economic problems is in the United States or UK, or just getting out of his African country to anywhere at all… Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, etc. Will you address the psyche of the African man?
It is always normal for people to believe that someone else is the reason for their problem etc. As a Christian, the main thing is this, know that GOD is not limited. HE is able to bless and promote you in a village in Ibadan or in Paris, France.

The main issue is learning to ask GOD before you pursue any goals. The power of prayers is immense. There are many Africans in the USA who are suffering more than people in villages at home.

The answer to their dilemma: God did not send them abroad; they brought themselves. My advice is this, in all things, let GOD direct you. Don’t be complacent, but learn to be content with whatever you have while you ask for more.