thank God, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, for granting journey
mercies, fair weather and security to all messengers to the 2019
Convention-in-Session holding at the Beulah Baptist Conference Centre,
Arowomole Area, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria.
We register our appreciation and gratitude to the leadership at the Convention level starting with our spiritual father and President of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), His Eminence Rev. Dr. Samson Olasupo A. Ayokunle, his management team and the Executive Committee (EC) of our great Convention for the vision and focus on the slogan MOVING FORWARD, which implies improvement, growth and advancement, resulting in successes and progress in our Convention and by extension members’ lives.
This year’s theme: Moving Forward: Building a Great Church through Faithful Stewardship. (1 Peter 4:10) is focused on how we can build our church as faithful stewards.The theme is a reminder that, although the word ‘stewardship’ may appear simple, yet it is very complex, and thus easily misunderstood. However, neither the Christian nor the church can exist or function without it. It is a charge that to be a Christian is to be a good steward as well. Hence, it is not a theory nor a philosophy, but a working program and the very essence of Christian law of living. It is necessary for an adequate understanding of life, and essential for a true, vital religious experience. It is not simply a matter of mental assent, but is an act of the will and a definite, decisive transaction touching the whole perimeter of life.
We are most grateful to God for the life of our Convention Vice President (Ministerial), Rev. Dr. Dickson Madoghwe who has successfully completed his first tenure in office and returned for second term. We wish him a successful tenure as he commences his second term in office. We equally acknowledge with appreciation to God for the life of our Director of Christian Education, Rev’d. Dr. Mrs. Olusola Ayo-Obiremi, who is at this annual Convention-in-Session rotating out from office. We are witnesses to various innovations introduced into our Christian Education Department during her tenure, we are grateful to her and wish her a resounding success in all her future endeavours
We acknowledge the efforts of the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for a successful conduct of 2019 general election without serious implication on the co-existence of Nigeria as a nation. We congratulate those who contested and won in various elections and admonish them to be worthy representatives of their constituencies. We also encourage those who did not win to either accept defeat in good faith and join hands in moving the nation forward or in the alternative explore lawful avenues to challenge the outcome of the election
We also noted the role played by the President of our Convention, who doubles as the President of Christian Association of Nigeria through mobilization of Christians and the Christian body in Nigeria to participate actively in the just concluded election.
In view of the happenings in our Convention, our Nation and the world at large we present the following resolutions and communiqué.
- Convention Hosting
We commend the Ogbomoso Baptist Conference for hosting the 106th Annual session of the Nigerian Baptist Convention. We acknowledge with gratitude the leaders of the Conference for all the arrangements put in place to ease human and traffic movement during the programme. We particularly register, with appreciation the presence of security and traffic control personnel during this Convention. We also note with joy the provision of clean and conducive rest room as well as availability of water and electricity during this year’s event.
We also wish to put it on record, with the deep senseof gratitude to the Convention for major supportive role played for security arrangements put in place during this year convention due to the general security challenges confronting our country. We are aware that the Convention provided and paid for 40 Policemen, 20 Civil Defence, 15 Road Safety Officers, 25 Gallant Chaplain and 4 DSS Officers fully armed. The President, in addition personally went to Osogbo to beg the Assistant Inspector of Police (AIG) to direct the Commissioner of Police, Oyo State to police all the roads leading to Ogbomoso and bring Bomb Detector Personnel to the convention ground.
We further note with appreciation the Convention leaders and all invited resource persons for effective time management during this year convention and in particularly the conclusion of all programmes early enough to allow messengers return to their hotels and various lodging places to have enough rest for the next day’s programme.
Be it resolved and it is resolved that other Conferences should emulate and sustain the pace set by the Ogbomoso Baptist Conference in the hosting of future conventions. Be it further resolved and it is hereby resolved that the Ogbomoso Baptist Conference should be commended for hosting the 2019 Convention-in-Session and the Convention leaders highly commended for security arrangement put in place during this year’s convention
2. Christian understanding of Faithful Stewardship
We commend our leaders for the theme for this year Convention with emphasis on building a great church through faithful stewardship. As Baptists, to build a great church as captured in this year theme: Moving Forward: Building a Great Church through faithful Stewardship (1 Peter 4: 10), there is the need for members to work for/withour Lord Jesus Christ in whatever positions they occupy, the opportunity that come their way and situations or circumstances they find themselves.We must emulate the biblical mandate as stated in 1Peter 4:10, Matthew 25: 14-30; 28: 19-20, Psalms 24: 1 and 1 Corinthians 4: 1-7,by being faithful in the use of our lives, times, talents, human and material resources, commitment to the great commission assignment of our Lord Jesus Christ, and influence knowing fully well that accountability is required of a Steward.
Be it resolved and it is resolved that wherever we find ourselves be it in the church, in the family, work place, market place and community etc., that we belong to God and everything we have belongs to Him and one day we will be called to give account. Be it resolved and it is hereby resolved that we are called to be faithful in our God’s given assignments.
3. End of First Tenure and Recommendation for Second Term of Our President (His Eminence Rev’d. Dr. Olasupo Ayokunle) as Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) President
We appreciate God for a successful first term, which is about to finish, in office of our President as CAN President. There is no doubt that the quality of leadership and innovations introduced by our president to the operation of CAN in Nigeria has provided and still providing was unprecedented. We particularly noted that all the allegations against him by his detractors were unfounded as people making the allegations failed to appear and prove their allegations before the Panel set up by CAN. We are also aware that he is eligible to contest for the second term in office as CAN President.
Having proved himself as a worthy ambassador of the Nigerian Baptist Convention and for not betraying the confidence we collectively reposed on him in his first term in office as the President of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), we hereby passed a vote of confidence on him and hereby resolved and it is resolved that we robustly recommend him for second term and seek the support of other blocks of CAN to vote him into office for second term as the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN).
4. The Autonomy of Local Church and Understanding of the Baptist Polity
We have observed with dismay thegrowing trends of abuse of the principle of Autonomy of Local Church as stipulated in the Constitution of the Nigerian Baptist Convention such as: churches separating themselves from Baptist practices and programmes;disrespect for constituted authorities and failure to follow Baptist distinctives.
Be it resolved and it is herebyresolved that our leaders should do more in organizing seminars, workshops and lectures to educate members on the principle of autonomy of local church for better understanding to correct abuses. Be it also resolvedand it is hereby resolved that pastors and members should respect one and another. Be it further resolved and it is hereby resolved that both the pastors and members should have respect for the constituted authorities at all levels of Convention lives namely: Associations, Conferences and Convention
5. Churches Faithfulness in their Cooperative Programme of the Nigerian Baptist Convention
We observed that many of our churches do not meet the bench mark of their financial commitment to the Associations, Conferences and Convention. We further observe that there areChurches, Associations and Conferences that are unfaithful to various cooperative programmes and activities of the convention such as: congregational polity, adherence to Baptist core values and observance of special Sunday/Week of emphasis of various organs of the Nigerian Baptist Convention. We commend churches that are vigorously co-operating with the Convention, Conferences and Associations in the various co-operative programmes at various strata of our Convention lives.
Be it resolved and it is hereby resolved that Churches, Associations and Conferences are encouraged to meet their financial commitment to the various strata of our Convention lives namely: Associations, Conferencesand Convention, observe congregational polity and adhere to the Nigerian Baptist Convention core values in their operationto sustain our common heritage.
6. Discouragement of Social Vices among Christians
We observed that there is increasing rate of social vices in our schools and society at large. These social vices include: kidnapping, armed robbery, prostitution, yahoo-yahoo, internet fraud, drug abuse, cultism, sagging, gambling, betting, rape, ratty, lesbianism and gay activities just to mention but a few.
Be it resolved and it is hereby resolved that parents should monitor closely the activities of their children. Be it also resolved and it is hereby resolved that Churches should embark on aggressive life transforming evangelism/discipleship to enlighten members on the dangers of various social vices.
A. National Security and Un-Abating Banditry in Nigeria
It is an understatement to say that there are security challenges in Nigeria today. We observed with disappointment the unchecked attack of both Nigerians and foreigners due to terrorist and various criminal activities in the country. The news is filled on daily basis with sad story of terrorists and other criminal attack carried out by Boko Haram, Fulani Herdsmen, Bandits and other criminal groups resulting in kidnapping, blood shedding, raping and ritual killings, destruction of properties in all parts of Nigeria. The situation has deteriorated to the extent that our law enforcement agencies appear helpless. As a matter of fact, most areas reportedly captured by military are now recaptured by Boko Haram and other terrorist groups.
It is unfortunate that despite various promises by government on the release of Leah Sharibu and other people in the custody of Islamic Terrorist, the lady is yet to be released.
Premised on the foregoing, we implore the Federal Government to uphold the sanctity of lives and protection of properties of Nigerians. We further urge government:
(a). To be proactive in responding to security challenges and bring the perpetrators and their sponsors to book.(b). No stone should be left un-turned in the fight against Boko Haram insurgency and their sponsors at all levels.
(c). We encourage government to intensify efforts to secure the release of Leah Sharibu and other people in the custody of Islamic Terrorist Groups.
(d). Government must equip and empower our Law Enforcement Agencies to enable them tackle the security challenges in our nation.
(e). We urge government to provide enough security in various areas under constant threat of terrorist groups attacks in Nigeria.
B. Aftermath of 2019 General Election
It is observed that the 2019 general election had come and gone. However, we noted various allegations from different quarters of the irregularities recorded during the just concluded election. Some of these irregularities are now subject-matter of election petitions before Election Tribunals. While we are not oblivious of dismay being expressed on daily basis on the independence of our Judiciary to handle election matters with dispatch, we are also aware that some issues raised touch on the independence of our electoral bodies to free itself from being partisan during election and be truly independent of government.
Premised on the foregoing, we urge the Election Tribunals to expeditiously resolve matters pending before them to return confidence to our judicial system. We strongly call on the Independent National Electoral Commission to be truly independent and free itself from partisanship in the conduct of future elections in Nigeria.
C. Unemployment and Economic Recession
There is no doubt that the economic recession coupled with unemployment in our country have continued to defy solution leading to several young graduates roaming the street without job. The trends have also led to various social vices and crimes in the country such as: kidnapping, increased armed robbery cases, prostitution, yahoo-yahoo and internet fraud, the outcome of which are more economic crisis, debt and suicide. It is also observed that our government at the three tier of governance are helpless in arresting the trends and finding solution to economic crisis and unemployment in the country. In view of this, we recommend to government to rebrand our school curricula with focus on entrepreneurial training of our youths and create conducive environment such as soft loan to young graduates to start business on their own and infrastructural facilities in order to overcome unemployment and reliance on white collar jobs after graduation.
D. Involvement of Military in the conduct of Election
We observe with dismay the heavy deployment of Armed Military personnel during the just concluded election. We recall that the duty of the military among others is to monitor country’s external boundaries to ward off external aggressions and definitely not to interfere in the civic duty of police and other para-military personnel during election. We make bold to say that this is what is obtainable in civilized climes the world over. There is no doubt that the presence of the military at polling units during the just concluded election created fear in the minds of the electorates and made some voters to stay at home to avoid harassment and embarrassment. In view of the dangers in using military personnel during the conduct of elections, government is strongly advised to stop deploying the military during election period to create conducive environment at elections and allow the military to concentrate on its primary duty of defending the territorial boundaries of Nigeria against external aggression.
E. Emergence of the National Assembly Leaderships
We observed the various external influences and undue pressures going on with respect to the election of National Assembly Leaders without regard to principle of separation of power among the three organs of government.
We therefore call on both government, especially the executive and other Nigerians to stop putting undue pressure on members of the National Assembly and allow members to elect their leaders without external influences. We insist that in the election of the principal officers in the National Assembly, the principle of Federal Character and equal representation of major religions in the country must be followed.
We once again thank the Almighty God for the success of the 106th edition of the Nigerian Baptist Convention-in-Session and most especially for seeing us through without hitch. As we return to our various destinations after this Convention-in-Session with the expectation to meet ourselves during the next year convention, we pray that our Lord Jesus Christ in His infinite mercywill grant us the grace to be faithful stewards in the building of a greatchurch worthy of emulation. We bid every messenger safe trip in Jesus’ Name. (AMEN).
Thank you.
Prof. S. Akinlolu Fagbemi Ph.D, Esq.