Books by Apostle Anselm Madubuko

Anselm Madubuko is the apostolic leader of the Revival Assembly. He is the president of The New Anointing World Outreach (NAWO), an International Apos

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madAnselm Madubuko is the apostolic leader of the Revival Assembly. He is the president of The New Anointing World Outreach (NAWO), an International Apostolic Ministry touching and impacting nations for Christ.

He was born and raised in the eastern region of Nigeria, West Africa. He graduated from the University of Nigeria with a degree in Architecture and eventually started his own architectural firm. He became a born again Christian at the age of 25 and in obeisance to the Lord, forfeited the comforts of success and heeded the call to full-time ministry at age 33.

In 1990, he founded Revival Assembly in Lagos, Nigeria, where he pastors a large congregation of vibrant believers. He is called to the office of an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God who is: “.among [us] by miracles and wonders and signs, which God [is doing] by him in the midst of [us]. (Acts 2:22b).

Anselm Madubuko, a renowned deliverance minister, under The New Anointing World Outreach (NAWO) , regularly conducts crusades, revivals and deliverance conferences throughout the world. He has ministered to hundreds of thousands of people in continents including Africa, Europe and America.

The Lord has confirmed the mandate of NAWO to “go forth; to them that are in darkness, [that] they shall feed in the ways and their pastures shall be in all high places.” (Isaiah 49:9). NAWO is to reach the nations and set the captives free, bringing them from darkness into light and enabling them to graze on green pastures, as never before. Not only have the multitudes been impacted, but they have been empowered to reclaim their lives from the clutches of the enemy.



There is no mountain too big that God cannot move; and nothing too difficult that prayer cannot change, irrespective of distance and time. We have tremendous power made available for us through prayer.

When Joshua spoke a word of prayer, the sun did not compare its, ‘size or distance or temperature to Joshua’s infinitesimal nature. Joshua and even the whole earth is like a (jot to the sun and its temperature can melt the earth at close range in’ minutes – including Joshua. Yet, when the servant of God prayed, in spite of its bigness, temperature and distance, the sun heard, and-the angels of God went into action to make it obey.

We in the new testament have power, also, to tell the devil, with all his noise and size and manoeuvres, to obey when we pray. We have the power to command shut doors of blessing to open, and open doors of evil to shut; to command walls of opposition and ancient ancestral pillars to crumble for us to possess our possessions; to tell spiritual “Red Seas” to part for us to pass through, irrespective of its size and torrents and age of existence- because of the word of the Lord. We have the power to command sickness, poverty, barrenness, confusion, fear, premature death, failure and disappointment to bow. And when we do it in faith, the situations will obey. The power to pray through is in you, All you need is to learn how to develop your spirit.




Well doing is not just doing good to people. Well doing is that: in spite of the difficulties you are going through, you have not changed your confession, you have not changed what you believe, you have not changed or wavered in your Faith. Though there are opportunities to waver, you have done well by not wavering in spite of pressures.

When you stand firm, in due season, you shall see the benefits of what you were holding on for. In the end you will know that it is worth the while; it was worth the wait; it was worth the pain and it was worth the struggle.

Is it possible not to quit when things are rough, dark, and downward? The answer is yes. In this book, we shall examine some principles to stay on course when quitting stares us in the face.



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Contact the author at
The Revival Assembly Church,
1-7, Revival Assembly Close,
Off Cocoa Industrial Road, Ikeja Lagos.
Phone: 017749951
Email: revival

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