Continued from Part 11 In another incident, a serving CAN president received an SOS call that was terminated by the report of the gunshot that kill


Continued from Part 11

In another incident, a serving CAN president received an SOS call that was terminated by the report of the gunshot that killed the caller. I ever wonder how the frontline CAN leaders get to sleep at night but for the grace of God. Beside the voluntary CAN policy on the kidnap and ransom issue, there is just one major challenge that the CAN leadership has to scale.

There are times when leaders have to make decisions that are neither popular nor politic and this is such an hour. The Nigerian Church on behalf of the future must stand up to insist that the Federal Government recognize the state of war that the hydra-headed supremacist agenda cloaked in the Islamic religion has imposed on Nigeria. We must on behalf of our brothers in the Mosques stand to blow the religious cover of this insidious agenda.


We cannot continue to fuel terrorism with ransom money because the entire nation will eventually be engulfed in darkness. Sooner or later, we will realise that there is no choice but for the Church to stand up for Jesus Christ as Leah Sharibu has done

Like Leah Sharibu we must stand for the defense of religious liberties even though we know that Nigeria was built on the divide-and-rule policy of distrust. When President Mohammed Buhari took ill, he did not hesitate for one second when he travelled to a foreign nation for treatment knowing that our healthcare system was not sophisticated enough to keep him alive. We are simply asking him to extend the same pragmatism to the sick and dying patient called Nigeria.

It is documented that Osama bin Laden lived in Sudan next door to Nigeria between 1991-1996 and that was where he perfected his vision of a corporate styled international jihad confederation. We cannot as a nation continue to pretend that Nigeria was not a prominent spot on his radar. We believe our political leaders will hear us because our language is seasoned with non-violent communication even if the matter of discussion is a matter of life and death.

* Samuel Ajayi Crowther

While this fact should be irrelevant, I have decided to mention the fact that I voted Mohammed Buhari in the last two presidential elections and insist that every man’s democratic right must be respected by others. The 9/11 Commission Report known as The Final Report of the National Commission on the Terrorist Attacks on the United States is available to the public in book stores worldwide and we need to know that our nation Nigeria was directly mentioned at least three times in its volumes.

It is on record that Al Qaeda established cooperative relationships with extremist groups from the African states of Chad, Mali, Niger, Nigeria and Uganda. In another mention, our nation Nigeria came up consistently alongside Mali as the favoured location for the new terrorism headquarters of the globe when experts were quizzed.

My point as the special adviser to the CAN president on such terror related issues is that our nation has been subject to a new war form that can be traced to the global resurgence of religious terrorism. Please permit me to voice the opinion that our dearly loved president Mohammed Buhari might not be with us today if his doctors had not accurately diagnosed and treated the health challenge that our Nigerian system did not have the sophistication to handle. Many of us prayed in earnest for the president’s recovery but we did not shun the diagnosis of experts.

We have been forced to watch with dismay as the trickles expanded into rivers of blood in Nigeria because of this failure to diagnose and treat the new war form accordingly. The shape-shifting, hydra-headed supremacist war complex disguised in religious garb can be unmasked for what it is. We know it was designed to defy diagnosis but it’s obvious that it’s machinery will kill Muslims as easily as it kills Christian. We dare not treat it as a religious war because this would make the supremacists happy and further divide an already divided country.

For those who may be confused we have pointed out the fact that Zak Zakky’s Shiites are a strictly religious problem that openly declares its agenda and refuses to recognize the Federal Government of Nigeria but this other one is a multiple headed supremacist hydra with a global ambition and a religious cover.  We know it uses the Islamic religion as a cover just as it uses terror as a tool but it does not try to convince but slaughters all Muslims that don’t cooperate with it. The convenient cover of Islam gives it a tactical advantage that confuses the best of minds but to treat it as a religious problem would be like trying to quench fire with liquid petrol. It is the dragon depicted in the book of Revelation and the Church is not deceived.

Some other lessons we can glean from the 9/11 Report about its asymmetrical war form and hybrid threats is that a divide nation will never survive its onslaught because it can wage its war for centuries switching fronts until it collapses Nigeria from within.

If the American Government did not diagnose the attack on the twin towers as a local fight in New York (the way we are handling Kaduna State) Nigeria should know that this was never a northern problem that spilled over by mistake. America put up a united front across all divides whether religious or political and were able to survive the new war form. The team on the 9/11 Commission was bipartisan by design and its aims and objectives were well spelt out.

Leah Sharibu set the standard by shunning the toxic freedom of the world because like Apostle Paul, she knows that she is freer in Christ despite the chains. She had the option to deny Christ and walk into the Nigerian definition of freedom but she esteemed the reproaches of Christ as greater riches than her Nigerian citizenship

“Ten Commissioners – five Republicans and five Democrats chosen by elected leaders from our nation’s capital at a time of great partisan division – have come together to present this report without dissent. We have come together with a unity of purpose because our nation demands it. September 11, 2001, was a day of unprecedented shock and suffering in the history of the United States. The nation was unprepared. How did this happen, and how can we avoid such tragedy again?”  …

“Our mandate was sweeping. The law directed us to investigate “facts and circumstances relating to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001,” including those relating to intelligence agencies, law enforcement agencies, diplomacy, immigration issues and border control, the flow of assets to terrorist organisations, commercial aviation, the role of congressional oversight and resource allocation, and other areas determined relevant by the Commission.…. Our aim has not been to assign individual blame. Our aim has been to provide the fullest possible account of the events surrounding 9/11 and to identify lessons learned.

God in His wisdom has now given CAN a leader after the order of Saul of Tarsus with a string of degrees as long as my arm. He is a theologian, an educator as well as a philosopher with Ph. D’s to prove it. He is versed in rural evangelism and gathered experience as a civil servant. His administrative experience, pastoring, teaching and background in sociology are a part of the whole mix that will be required to conquer this sophisticated war form. The CAN president needs the prayers and support of every single believer in Nigeria and beyond because of this menace has to be stopped before it engulfs our nation.

God Bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria and God bless Leah Sharibu.
Read Part 1
Read Part 11
Read part 111